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Posts posted by obatzda

  1. 10 years ago i would clearly chose the cypres but today the vigil2 is a good product and i hate to send away my cypres after only4 years.

    its a little bit like amd and intel when it comes to computers, both make good products and its your choice if u want to support the market leader or not, i will buy a vigil2+ this year

    another thing is what happens to all the cypres aads after their lifetime? there is this deal with 100euros off when u order a new cypres and send your old to them, i wonder which components they take out of the old unit to reuse in the newer models, since many sensors and chips they use arent produced anymore today.

  2. The pilot got soft openings jumped one a few times and loved it, im just a big fan of 7cells in general no matter how lazy u pack em its allways like falling in fethers. But the pilot is fine dont worry !

    Yeah i bought my liftpass for the winterseason when i was in rehab to motivate me, but i tell you it was alot of pain but thank god there is apreski ;) a jagrtee combined with a 1k paracetamol works wonders (dont copy that)

    another thing i noticed early the season since its more cold its more painfull, now i know what my grandpa was talking about...ughhh

    good comeback!

  3. lost my third vertebrae and also got a plate with rods and a steelcage i was able to go snowboarding just 4 months after the two operations.

    coming back to skydiving, i struggled alot from packing and sitting inside the airplane, the jumping and landing itself was no problem but i would suggest a easy opening 7cell ;)

    now many years later i still struggle from packing but i learned to deal with it.

    wish u a good comeback ! no pain no gain ;)

  4. i bet your question is the most asked in this forum...

    i would suggest jump more, jump different dropzones so u can try out different canopys.

    for example: think about 50 jumps later you maybe want to go into CRW than a storm would be handy.

  5. depends on what u want what i love about my old solo is the factor that i never need to think about it, just leave it inside the helmet.

    you can set 3 alarms and on the way up the device starts and gives you an acustic feedback this feedback changes if battery gets low and you know its time to replace it, its just simple and good.

    but if you are looking for a hightec toy with logs and stuff this would be the wrong device.

  6. i think there are two coin of people the ones that feel nervous for a long time and the ones that get used to it very quick, you could count yourself as lucky because if you stay nervous you stay concentrated automaticly and the whole thing stays on the safe side ... i did catch myself on some lazy points allready because im used to it allready

    if youre into sports that are more dangerous than skydiving you will get automaticly used to it very quick, because of the huge safety aspect of skydiving.

    just enjoy the extra amount of adrenaline u get one day u will miss it !! ;)

  7. the seconds before the impact are like minutes afterwards it realy slows down somehow, when i had my impact the first impression wasnt pain but getting back air into my loungs to breath.

    then my first thought was hej not that bad im alive lets stand up, uh ok that wont work i cant walk anymore seems like there is some stuff broken, the pain started some minutes after and increased till i got some morphine ;) bet i was highter than the helicopter i was sitting in.

  8. it realy does look hell of tight if u ask me, im packing a storm190 also pretty new and my pod doesnt look like that.

    im not sayin its impossible to pack it but u wont get happy also, maybe trade that spectre for a pulse same size that will pack much easier.

    what rig u got what containersize?

  9. its just such a big topic this whole downsizing and "dude whats your wingload" - another funny one is "why do you jump a 7cell" last weekend on another dropzone a guy serious asked me why i jump a boring 7cell, so for many people downsizing and going into high performance canopys seems to be the only reason why they jump.

    for myself the whole canopy flying stuff wasnt that important and i doubt it will be in future, because i got my plans why i jump a larger 7cell canopy.

    since downsizing became mainstream im planing upsizing to a 280 troll instead !B|:P

  10. but i think you should have sticked with your first decission, turning off the AAD and then wanting to jump thats how things can get realy nasty.

    two cutaways allready and you consider yourself as not experienced enough for nonhelmet, maybe leaving the camera at home would be much safer - you decide.

    edit: why do we need regulations for everything, just think about it a camera for a student cant be good for any reason. the situation you created was caused mainly by the camera.

  11. Hej Mr Pilot - what about this one? B|

    "The Douglas DC-9-20 was one of the rarer variants of the type, and only ten were ever built.
    It was developed for Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) and their requirements for short-field takeoffs in remote airports around Norway and Sweden.
    The DC-9-20 featured the fuselage of a DC-9-10, but the improved engines and wings of a DC-9-30."

  12. never did a tandemjump but i got a lowerback vertabrae missing/crushed and replaced by a titanbridge and all i can say is i got more backpain when packing or sitting in the tinyporter then from jumping - also a tandemchute should open pretty soft.

    if you can jump of 3 stairsteps without instantpain i would say it works ;)

  13. what you call the door-fear is what seperates jumpers from nonjumpers at one point, since there is a high quote of aff-students that never get a licence this fear is maybe a reason for it, since everyone is different it can take a long time for some people to turn this fear into pure-enjoyment.

    special if your season ended with that coin of fear, its hard to come back after the winter i bet.

    the question would be does this fear come back after a realy long break? :)