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Everything posted by jaredmt

  1. ahh this was the explanation I was looking for! I guess this is what mark was trying to say. I knew this had already been thought of considering there are toys that use mesh but I couldn't find any information on it being used for skydivers. I did not realize that drag on the cord was so much of an issue that they even tried to make the cords a thinner diameter. It does make sense though considering how long the cords are and how many there are, it would take up a noticeable amount of surface area. I also have a much better idea of how the ram-air square canopies work. It looks like a mesh won't work afterall unless there is an outside-the-box solution. Thanks for the info
  2. Yes I do understand it is rectangular. That is another good point of why no one would buy it, thank you. And I will research that when I get a chance.
  3. you're right. And i'm an engineer. I'm on here because YOU guys are the skydiving experts/enthusiasts. I want to know what is already out there that is similar to this. Any info is helpful. Riggerrob had some great information, I’d like to know if there is an article on anything he said. And I don’t mind criticism if it is helpful
  4. lol no i won't cus no one will buy it because it's too expensive/big/heavy. but i might make a small model version just for fun :) and if it generates interest then why not?
  5. to clarify, it wouldn't be just a straight mesh. i would make a square-shaped parachute that uses the mesh to prevent tangling and still has a way to steer and use "brakes".
  6. thanks for the reply, very informative! so in summary it is a better design and would save more lives but it wouldn't sell because its more expensive,heavier, and takes up more room. just wondering, how do you know all this? did you serve in the military? key word: "too often". I know its unlikely. but my point is that tangling would not exist. ever. interesting. my solution would be to mesh everything except the very top. maybe only a foot of rope? or who knows maybe drag won't be an issue. good point and I would consider this if I were to design it. i admit i haven't thoroughly studied every detail of how parachutes work yet. i do plan to do it but for now i am taking a basic concept. a toy with a mesh always works. a toy with strings will get tangled sooner or later. the concept makes sense.
  7. thanks for the reply. I didn't say that it had to be a round parachute. it could still be square. just using a mesh to prevent from tangling.
  8. I am wondering if anyone knows why we don't do this. they could make a canopy that is attached from webbing rather than using just rope. this would prevent from ever getting tangled. there could be 4 ropes in addition just to control/steer it. an example is here: http://cullytechnologies.com/demo/h2orockets/chutes_tangleless.php http://cullytechnologies.com/demo/h2orockets/images/chutes/tangleless/web/PC180365.jpg That is an example with a webbed parachute used on a model rocket. i had a toy with an army soldier using that exact same parachute. it didn't matter how u folded the parachute. u could TRY to tangle everything up and it would still unravel and open perfectly if given enough time to open. Does anybody know if they have tried this on a full scale? Yes, it might be more expensive but a LOT safer edit: its called a mesh parachute. its only used on rockets/toys. why not skydivers??