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Posts posted by Mr_Polite

  1. Yes he responsible 100% for himself. Whether he had the camera or not this would have been the same incident. He may have had the camera "hidden" in his glove but I do not believe that nobody at the dz saw this. He was clearly showing it to an instructor or coach on some of his other jumps on Youtube.

    Honestly though we are all adults and because jumping a camera isn't an actual rule there is nothing anyone can really say. Sure if you're the DZO or S&TA you can ban it from YOUR dz but if another doesn't care then that's their business.

  2. Quote

    USPS Recommends a minimum of 200 freefall skydives before jumping with a camera. It also states you should be current with your gear and know the gear very well before attempting a jump with a camera.

    There is a few DZ's you can go to that will allow you to jump with a camera much earlier. Some being as early as 30 jumps. Again, it is just a "recommendation" set in place by the USPA. But many large DZ's take it as a set rule because they have so much traffic that they wan't it to be as safe as possible.

    The FAA has nothing to do with having the ability to jump with a camera.

    When did the Postal Service start doing skydiving recommendations?

  3. Quote




    Do you really think that a person looking to suicide would ask for a safe way to disconnect their RSL.


    It happens quite often that suicides give clues that are not recognized as such.

    Format, knowing the guys private side, may have just picked up on a real clue.

    You guys can offer limitless suggestions on "what I would do" but you are not there...format is. Regardless of your "Take" on the situation format IS concerned...about both him and the sport.

    Which all begs the question: What is the purpose of all this?


    Man, you're on Dizzy dot com! There IS no purpose here!

    The main purpose of is to prevent people with less than 200 jumps from using go-pros.

  4. I had a video guy freeflying around us on an AFF jump, at 7K he was head down and ended up crashing through us. The jump was perfect till then and he funneled all of us. If you're flying video the jump isn't about you and your free flying skills, shoot the video and stay out of the way.