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Everything posted by Paperweight

  1. Thank you all for your suggestions. You're all correct in that it sounds like I'm the one who wants to jump. The reason the idea came to mind is because a year ago he really wanted to go with me, we love doing things together obviously, and I feel if he doesn't have to pay for it himself he'll look at it differently. I definitely don't want to impose my wishes on him so I'm going back and forth because I feel the desire is there but this sudden lack of interest is surprising me. But anyway men are pretty straightforward so I will listen. Nobody wants to see that awkward face after opening a gift they don't like
  2. Hi, My boyfriend's birthday is coming up along with our anniversary so I'm looking for a nice present. I brought up the options hypothetically to him and he said he would enjoy a weekend getaway more because he's never been that interested in skydiving. He did say he would go skydiving but just that it's not on his list of must do things. I have never jumped either by the way. Should I go with my gut that says it's an experience we will never forget and he will like it after he's experienced it? Or do lots of people not enjoy their first jump (tandem)? Thanks