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Everything posted by skamunista

  1. Just for the record, I took livingsocial to be legit and not bargain basement. I was also clear in my post that I always intended to do AFF in the future at one of the well-reputed DZs in my hometown. I signed up for this essentially expecting a tandem ride.
  2. Hi all- did my first jump in June and although I'm hoping to go AFF next year I took the chance to do another tandem when a livingsocial coupon for a new DZ in Beloit, Wisconsin came up a few weeks back... Great lakes skydiving. I see there have already been some posts about it here. Needless to say I wasn't familiar with this skyride fiasco but they are apparently part of it (I had to call georgia to book). To be precise I'm booked for labor day weekend. It is 2 hours away, I'm going with friends and we are supposed to be there at 10am. I'm afraid to even tell them about this because honestly I can't explain exactly what the real problem is with these places. So, some basic questions: Does this place even exist? Anything in particular I should expect? Should we be sure to arrive early and get an early load? Call ahead? Is safety an issue at these places? I feel really guilty about this, actually. I'd gladly have done another jump at CSC or Skydive Chicago.
  3. I was really expecting a "however much you feel is worth it" type response and both of you gave me just what I was hoping for... Thanks. This place has such a nice culture. I guess for now I'll just have to keep it in mind for a day when i have money and summers free & hopefully jump again soon...
  4. worth it and safe, i should say... Did my first tandem last week--it was on my bucket list for years, my sister did one a few weeks before and my band got a gig at a boogie, so it was our payment. And I want more... Meanwhile I am an unemployed teacher and I live in an urban area close to 2 hours from the nearest dropzone. I also have no car. these things seem like obstacles... but maybe in the future? I don't want to sound lazy, but how frequently and much do you need to jump to keep yourself in shape? Is this a feasible past time for me? As a side note, it WAS great and everyone at the DZ was amazingly cool... but I have already some good friends who I don't want to trade out for them... and yet when they call me crazy I already feel like I can't relate to them anymore :(:(:(:(