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Posts posted by dmcculloch

  1. You could get a Mirage G4 M3. I bought a Mirage G4 M2 as my first rig. My first canopy is a PD Storm 170 seven cell, (packs roughly the same as a Sabre 2 150.) So I can downsize to a Sabre 2 135. With the M3 it is the next size up container so sould fit a Strom 190 and then 170 and 150 nine cell canopies. Storms are pretty cool first canopies too. Worth looking at. Nice soft openings usually on heading and nice flare range. And they are pretty sporty too. Im super happy with mine and will probably downsize to another Storm but 150. Also Mirage is sweet. I couldnt be happier. Had some mates buy used rigs for only $100 less than mine which I dont think are worth tha savings.
    Hope this helped. Also I think if you go dacron lines on your last downsize you could even go another size smaller as they tend to increase the packjob a size.

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of Skydiving. I too wish I started 10 years ago instead of 18 months ago :). But its a great journey to learn how to jump and super addictive. Good luck and enjoy.

  3. Hi guys and girls.
    I am wondering if anyone here has a Tonfly helmet. I am looking ta getting the new Tonfly Speed and was wondering what the helmets are like. I am escpecially keen to hear of anyone with the external Optima port. I am looking at getting that option and would like to know how sturdy and strong are they. If they are a good idea and dont look likely to lose the audible on a hard opening or over time etc. or if they are more of a gimick and you are better of just putting the audibles inside the helmet. Also with that in mind how are the pockets inside. I have a Rawa and the audible pockets are very tight and pushes the audible into my ear and hurts after a few jumps so dont want a repeat of that.
    Thanks :)

  4. Hi all. Hope everyone had a great xmas and new year.
    Anyway I have a question in regards to the use of the N3. I currently am using it as an audible in my helmet but am thinking of using it as a wrist mount alti and using an optimum for audible. My question is in regards to data collection. I have head someone say or read before that there are different pressures from the helemt to wrist and this in turn will produce different data being recorded on the N3. I am just wondering if anyone can confirm or deny the statement I had heard or read. I know this question sounds a bit stupid but i figure no harm in asking
    Thanks :)

  5. I think they are sticking out a bit because the dive loops have a cable in them and havent flattened out properly yet. I think thats what you are talking about. well I hope I dont have any problems lol. I will be pitching a bit higher on the first few to get some time with my new canopy :)

  6. Got mine the other day. It's pretty bloody tight. Also my rigger mentioned that with the new route for AAD that the reserve flap sticks out a bit. I think it will settle to a better form soon :). Its the M2 with a PD Optimum 160 and PD Storm 170

  7. Hi Guys.

    Just got my first rig the other day ( Mirage G4 )and have a question about the placement of the tuck tab for the Free Fly PUD. I have just placed it inside the BOC up against the bottom of the rig. But it seems like it serves no purpose there. Could someone please shed some light for me as to the correct procedure.
    Thanks :)

  8. Glad to hear you enjoyed your first jump. I was high for about 3 weeks after my first tandem back in November. Started my AFF in March and havent looked back. Some parts of the AFF were not super fun like the Tandem and a bit of hard work at times. (can be difficult) I havent been a natural. But kept at it and can see huge improvements from my AFF to now and I still have really low jump numbers.

    I would say if you can do it then go for it. It has changed my life and I just wish I had of done it when I was younger and first thought about it. I try to talk everyone I know into doing it :)

    I cant comment on talking parents around but I think if they see how much fun you have with it they will come around. I think that although there is a dangerous element to the sport, if you do things right and take your time it can be extremely safe.

    Good luck with your journey into this wonderful world.

  9. Just ordered my Mirage G4 last week through a dealer here in Western Australia, but haven't yet received confirmation from Mirage that the order has been taken and money collected.

    Anyone have an idea of how long it takes for Mirage to confirm an order and if this is part of the 6-8 weeks or does that time frame start from when they give confirmation and accept payment.

    Sick of renting gear. and postage always takes ages to get here.

  10. Thanks guys. The idea of a white helmet seems to have the same issues as with a white jumpsuit.

    By waxed, is there a certain polish/wax you can get for them.?

    Now just gotta wait for the bonus :) or my car sale. lol

  11. Hey guys.

    Im thinking of updating my Benny when my next bonus comes in and was looking at the Tonfly 3x. Looking at the colour schemes the one that really stands out is the white one.

    So was wondering if anyone who has a white helmet could let me know if they get dirty way faster than darker helmets and loose there appeal. Would you go for a white helmet again after owning one. My jumpsuit has a fair bit of white and that get dirty even without bitting the dust.


  12. Hi guys. Can anyone tell me if it is legit if a new ad has been posted but when looking at the profile of the user who posted it it sayd that they last logged on it 2010. Is it possible to post an ad without logging into your account and is it possible that there is a glitch with the profile. ?
    Thanks and Blue Skies :)

  13. Thanks guys. So it would seem the price for the second hand canopy is pretty accurate. :) Just got to weigh up if I really need certain colours lol and want the challenge of packing a new chute. Thanks again :)