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Everything posted by ezblakeoven

  1. I've not jumped in OK but I can second Flying_Spoon about Skydive Dallas. It's a great DZ with friendly people and a good atmosphere. I am finishing up the AFF/SDU program there and have nothing but good things to say about the instruction I've received thus far.
  2. Good advice. I managed to get one jump in on Saturday and it was mentioned to me that I still owed beer for the AFF graduation.
  3. I'll second what Glideangle said: Breathe! I just finished AFF at my local DZ and I had difficulty relaxing up through level 4. I had a moment just after exit during a repeat of level 4 where everything clicked for me. I remembered to take a breath, looked up and saw my instructor telling me to smile, and I got a big thumbs up. After that all of my subsequent jumps have been smooth as can be. Don't be afraid to take a second or two for yourself after exit to just relax and breathe. It makes all the difference in the world. I think new students(including myself) feel a lot of pressure to do all of the tasks they have set before them in what we perceive at first to be a short window. The reality is that we have plenty of time. Just remember to enjoy the experience and smile. You'll do great!
  4. Thanks for the tip! I forgot to bring some when I finished AFF. I will have to double up when I get my license.
  5. Just got started in the sport. Hopefully I will have my A license soon. Love all the great info on the forums!