So, I'm back here to say thanks and figured my last thread was such a point of contention with some of you I should rename my new thread to reflect what I've learned after all the lashings I took. Plus, I'm sure Quade will appreciate me being more accurate this time.
For those of you that care, which turned out to be a surprisingly large number, I want to say thank you for supporting me with my last request in my previous thread. Found here:;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
I also wanted to update you and let you know that our story was selected from hundreds of entries as one of three finalists. Our vote tally fell short and left us in 5th place but the judges selected us as a finalist ahead of others. Ours was the only skydiving story that was selected as a finalist.
So, and I know there are those of you that are exhausted of this, I would love the support of the community again. Voting has been reset for the final round and we need your help again.
The process is just as simple as last time, one click and that's it. Takes about 4 seconds.
Again, most importantly, I want to thank those of you that were kind enough to help us. We greatly appreciate your support.