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Posts posted by Awdpsi

  1. maybe check the classified's section of this website and click on the section for aura1 will be hard to sell unless you basically give it away and even then.....
    Belt and Suspenders

  2. I have to second the post above me the WinX is an amazing canopy made by a base canopy mfg and it shows. Packs super duper small. It's all ZP and fun as hell to fly. I load mine (135) at 1.55 and its never failed me yet. I've had zero problem getting back from long sports.

    I've flown side by side with a P7 and it seems to glide better although we did have different wing loadings.

    I fly with someone who has an epicine 190 and he has no where near the same performance or glide as I do. He's landed off while I've made it back.

    I also have to say ZP will without question last longer than f111. I like the idea with it for opening characteristics and pack volume. With the WinX there isn't a need for the f111. It opens great!!

    Oh and I fly the winx with a Carve and a Strix and its the bees knees so get yourself one. (and its cheaper than the other f111 options that wont last as long)
    Belt and Suspenders

  3. I would agree its a bit tight but nothing outrageous. I also have 300+ jumps on mine so its probably a little softer than new but even new it packed pretty darn small. I was flying with someone on a similar sized P7 this weekend opening similar alt and they def sunk out a bit faster than I even though I'm slightly higher loaded.
    Belt and Suspenders

  4. It has to do with the construction methods I believe. Similar to how the flik was offered in an LV version for a while. Same material as the regular one just lighter lines and construction. I'm sure someone at atair can comment on this with more knowledge but it packs super small. You can also get it in a ultralight version that uses PN9 I believe for certain ribs or something to that effect and it packs 2 sizes smaller. If you haven't tried one or thought about one I suggest give it a run. Absolutely love the canopy
    Belt and Suspenders

  5. if your interested in trying something else I fly a winx 135 all zp from Atair. It packs the same size as a 120 opens and flies amazingly loaded at 1.6. I've never had any issues with openings or making it back from a long spot. Even surprised myself a few times. I'm pretty sure its also a fair bit cheaper than anything else on the market. Just figured I would throw that into the mix
    Belt and Suspenders

  6. Team flatspin (Acro Team) uses the sena at my local DZ and they love them. 2 flyers and a camera flyer all have them and the only complaint I've heard is that occasionally its hard to connect to each other. Side note I use them on my motorcycle all the time and love them.
    Belt and Suspenders

  7. I'm looking to mount a flatlock to my mindwarp to be used as a camera helmet. I like that cookie sells the helmet adapter to fit the ozone/rok/etc and would like to get an adapter to fit my helmet.

    Anyone have an idea which would be the closest fit? I'm about to order a few and see which fits best. I'm not against having to shave a little here or there either.
    Belt and Suspenders

  8. Shit got real up in here. As for some info. I broke my clavicle last year and it healed a little wonky so its not perfectly aligned. I have had 0 problems with it on opening thus far and dont expect to have many problems. I wouldnt worry about it but thats just me
    Belt and Suspenders

  9. So my intial thoughts....holy S*&% this thing is light. Lets start from placing the order to taking it to the tunnel

    I ordered and it took a little over 6-weeks to get here. No biggie it's winter anyways. Package arrives and its light..first thought, oh no they forgot to put a helmet in here.

    To my pleasurable surprise I open the box and there is indeed a swanky helmet wrapped in a plastic bag surrounded by peanuts. HAPPY DAY! My only beef with this part of the experience was that for the price I would have hoped to get a carry bag of some type... Nothing padded or fancy but I mean a thing fabric bag would be enough. Just something to keep it from getting scratched up in my gear bag. For the price this was a bit of a disappointment.

    Alas, the helmet fit PERFECT. Super comfy, but I agree with the earlier post when I tilt my head down the chin strap hit my throat funny. Opening and closing was a breeze and as I was to find out that night super helpful when getting in and out of the tunnel. I rectified the chinstrap issue with a little adjusting.

    Now on to the tunnel. Only planned on 10minutes as I will be doing 30 this weekend and so far LOVED it. Super quite, very comfortable and to be able to flip the whole face up when you exit then snap it down quick before you enter was the best. It made talking(the little bit you can do) much easier and kept the heat down. There was also zero fogging issues. I had the front down for about 5 min before I got in the tunnel to see if it would fog under warm heavy breathing and nothing so far.

    So far I am in love with this helmet and plan to buy a rev3 if it ever comes out. Also turned on a friend and she will be ordering soon.

    super light for a modular style helmet
    Easy to open and close
    No fogging

    Hit throat funny until adjustments were made
    No carry bag of any sort and for a $400+ helmet :(

    Will update after this weekend and I can get some more time with it. All in all

    Belt and Suspenders

  10. Skydive no. Just not something she's really into. Maybe one day but for now she prefers flying to falling.

    Of course I'll still paraglide! I love it WAY to much to stop. I'll just have to figure out a nice balance between the two. Besides the ride up is a bit cheaper ;)

    For now I'll stick to my winter projects and being jealous of my friends at the PR boogie

    Belt and Suspenders

  11. HI!

    So I'm an avid lurker but first time caller....sorta.

    A little back story:

    Have been involved in high adventure activities my whole life. Tons of backpacking, snowboarding, dirtbikes, autocross and rally racing, etc. I love it all.

    Was in a narly accident that put me out a few years but after a while was finally able to start flying paragliders. Fell in love with them and have had a blast. Not to mention my better half also flies so its the best when you can share that with the one you love. Not to mention its easier to convince her to spend all of our money to fly to far away places to meet new people and have new adventures.

    Back to the point though. I will be getting back out there and going to the AFF camp at jumptown for the first available one..April 3rd, 2014. Anyone else going to be there?

    I live in MA only 40min away from the tunnel so will be going there a bunch to get back into things until April.

    Few of my friends are jumpers/riggers and coaches so I have been blessed with the ability to ask/bore them with a million questions and get as much background knowledge as I can.

    Already have a decent pack job down or at least they tell me it is :P

    Just wanted to finally say HIIII!!!!! to everyone and if there are any locals that want to get together I'm always down to buy a few beers.

    See you all once the snow melts!!
    Belt and Suspenders

  12. DougH


    I like the tres generaciones, yum!

    Tequila is one part of my collection, funny it turns over to fast to be a collection, that I haven't flushed out with more variety.

    Nicest I have is some Don Julio and some Tres Generaciones, but I know there is some much higher end stuff out there. :|

    Yea I learned about the tres generaciones at a tequila tasting event. There were others that were definitely priced much higher and were better but in the end I drink what I can afford....and thats not all that much sometimes
    Belt and Suspenders

  13. DougH

    ***So what does everyone drink that is not beer? I favor Scotch in the wintertime, and Dewar's if it's available.

    I like a few poisons, but Scotch Whisky is my year round.

    I usually have a decent selection of single malts that I rotate through as I drink them.

    Right now I am loving my Laphroig 10 year & Laphroig quarter cask. Macallan's 12 is always on hand, some Oban, and a handful of others.

    As it warms up I will work in some nice tequila, and some good gin for gin and tonics. Old Raj Gin from Cadenhead is the bomb, if you can find it.

    Mmmmmmm good booze. Life is too short for crappy booze, I will cut down on the food budget and ear ramen if it means I can get a nice bottle. :ph34r: Luckily I don't have to at the moment. :D

    Funny I have both of those laphroig's and an oban on my shelf right now. I also have some weird rum out of puerto rico thats all in spanish and tres generaciones anejo and reposado tequila. If you havent tried the tres generaciones do it now. one of my favorites
    Belt and Suspenders