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Posts posted by adamT

  1. Saw this happen to a friend of mine last year. Both bartacs holding the tabs where the lanyards attach to the slider failed. Very weird. His was also a para concepts. I have used their sliders for 5 plus years and my bartacs looked alright. I put an extra bartacs on mine after that happened to him. They were very surprised when he reported it to them. You should contact them if you haven't yet. I would be curious to know if his slider and yours was made around the same time.

  2. Jumping any rsl with stuff on your hat is foolish. What does the sky hook do to make sure you are clear or your malfunctioning main before activating your reserve?

    4.5k with cameras half were with side and top. Other half all top.

    Edit to add info.

  3. Any cross braced canopy loaded decently is going to spend a decent amount of time in the recovery arc. I spend about 3 sec in recovery on my 79 jvx at 2.7. I spend about 3.5 on the 79 velo. A half second difference isn't causing people to fly into the ground. Flying in a manner that doesn't allow the vertical speed to reach 0 before you interact with the ground. On either of those canopies I could force a 1 sec recovery if i had too. That is so far off the mark of 3+ seconds it's crazy. If I had to use that emergency recovery with any sort of frequency I would hang it up.

    Some times people just don't do what needs be done to plane out. Whether its diving for the gates, getting distracted or being flat out obliviouse to the shape your wing is trying to make through the air.
    When it's not right you need to recognize and start fixing it early.
    The only way to build these skills is lots of repetition and focused practice. Even then the best of the best can still bow it, we all need to remember that for ourselves. The fact that the ground is unforgivably hard, and that we are aiming right next to it, needs to be in the front of every swoopers mind.

    I agree that people need to recognize the difference between their every day setups and what they bring to a comp. Train accordingly. If you can't train with your comp setup then compete with your day to day setup. You will score better and lower your personal risk.

  4. It's a 9 cell, extra unloaded ribs doesn't equal more cells. I like my Scirocco 77 a lot, but I had to ditch their stock slider for terminal openings. It was a no go. With one of my para concept sliders its totally manageable for a canopy of its class. I pack for myself and never had any major issues with any of my velos or my jvx. Terminal with full rds just fine.

    OP: I wouldn't jump into that configuration(full rds) right away, it's something to work up too. But if you are a consistent packer or have a solid experienced packer for hire you can have a long happy relationship with your cross braced. Any parachute can act up and ruin your day, especially the little fun ones. Stay on your toes and have fun.

  5. I began to feel like a skydiver after i figured out how to control myself in freefall on jump 9, i was a slow learner. I felt like a parachutist after my first jump, aff lvl 1. I didn't care about what others considered me then and i continue to not care now. I got into this because im a propeller head and i love anything that flys, not because i was looking for friends(but boy did i get alot of those out of this ride).

    To the OP: Suck it up and stop expecting other people to create the world you want to live in. That's not how it works in skydiving or any other part of life. Figure that out and its all down hill form there.

  6. Only problem with charging half the price is if the student has a choice and is aware of the price difference, you won't sell many outside videos. Even if you show them both products side by side. But if a dz is not interested in selling outside video, then its perfect.