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  1. Hey thanks everyone for the input, very helpful answers. Yea when I first saw this set up with my novice eyes it initially seemed like it'd be a good idea. But what may seem good to the inexperienced eye, could be a bad idea. It's nice to have a spot online to get experienced advice. And I think i may like to get into freeflying eventually so it'll be nice to have. And yea the rigger is part time so I guess that makes me feel better.
  2. Awesome thanks everyone for the responses. I was getting no where googling "main pilot chute velcro attachment," haha. Freefly pud yielded much better results. One more follow up: Should I be concerned that my rigger of 10 years experience has never seen this?
  3. Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the sport and have a gear question. I just bought my first ring used... -Wings W18 container -Safire 190 -PD reserve -Cypres The pilot chute handle is a pillow type and has a velcro attachment to the bottom of the container. Basically it looks just like a cutaway handle and there is a velcro attachement on the actual container to keep the handle in place. So my questions are... 1) Has anyone ever seen this before? 2) My rigger said that he had not, but it might be useful in keeping an accidental deployment. Do you think this benefit would outweigh the extra force it would take to detach and throw the pilot chute? 3) Do you think there's a chance that the velcro could catch the bridle on deployment? Or otherwise wear it down? One easy solution I think would be to just attach a hook side piece of velcro to the actual handle so it wouldnt attach to the container...or I suppose it would be easy enough to just replace the handle. Thoughts and suggestions appreciated! -Mike