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Posts posted by cjg

  1. Just wondering what some of you guys would recommend as a first jump suit.

    While I only have a single tandem in my log , I am hooked and am aggressively planning my training for the spring. And my thinking is that if I start buying 'stuff' it will be just one less thing to buy latter.

    Already have a line on a nice helmet and goggles. And likely ill just use the training alt until I graduate aff ( and will likely be getting the same model anyway )

    But now I am thinking of jump suit .. But there are so many .. and so many different options on all of them. Where do I start ??

    What would be best as a first time suit. While I am not rich , I am willing to invest in something if it is really worth it. But of course less expensive is better.

    If not a particular brand / style # .. What should I be looking for when deciding on a suit that will last me through my first 100 or 2 jumps ?

    Thanks for any advise you can provide


  2. Now this is a freaky idea ..

    But thinking about it further , The tech exists to do this.

    Why not avoid the audio cues , as they could get confusing and are slow .. just the 3 seconds it takes from when the computer decides to say "TURN LEFT" till the time when the word LEFT comes out of the speaker could be important ..Why not use a simple vibrating ring on an ankle .. it can become second nature.
    Similar to this


    If you really are serious about developing this , may I suggest the arduino platform as a quick prototyping / development platform. It uses a language called processing to build the programs. http://www.arduino.cc/

    There are MANY MANY gps modules that you can get , as cheap as 25 bucks for a basic nema unit that can output postion updates at 10 times a second and can interface with the micro controller easily.

    One wensite that I like to use for electronic experiments is www.sparkfun.com Great little company.

    As for separation and collision avoidance , you could always use similar technology to tacas and request that any / all divers on the jump carry a basic transponder. While not ideal , just saying that it could be arranged.


    Now I am not an experienced skydiver ( Still a student ) but I do have a bit of experience with embedded systems and purpose built hardware. The basics of what you are suggesting are very very doable .. But really .. the thought of a blind skydiver scares me..

    I would see this tech used to augment an approach. Not to be used in IMC or by a blind diver.

  3. Quote

    Skydive University is a reputable firm. If you complete the program there, I am confident that you will be well trained.

    Yes , I am seriously considering it. If I can work the travel and scheduling OK , then this is likely how I will get my A. Most likely in February or early march ( So I can stay current till the season starts up here in the NE )

    The pricing seems reasonable and comparable to zones in my area. Perhaps even a bit less , as the local zone I did my first tandem at requires 2 additional tandems before AFF. And doesn't include any tunnel time.

  4. Quote

    Here is an integrated "tunnel AFF" program in a WARM place, so you wouldn't have to wait for the seasons to change.


    Now THAT is interesting ..

    This looks almost like its a weekend or two ... and I can walk away with an A for less then 3 grand ..

    Would that really be a smart thing ?? I mean would I be trained properly ?? I would not want to be a victim of a licence mill or anything like that.

  5. Thanks for all the ideas guys ..

    I have already ordered a benny helmet .. And I remembered I have a balaclava type thing in my closet that I bought a few years ago on a ski trip. I think that will work well. ( I hope )

    Also , talked to some of the guys at the DZ , it seems like they may have a headphone jack on the radios which I can plug directly into.
    As for the 3 year old with bilateral implants .. Its nice that you were able to get them both installed while he is still young. I have only had mine for less then a year , and am looking to do the other ear shortly ( as soon as the recall for cochlear america is over .. ) But I digress... I will be looking into that wig tape stuff.. it sounds like it will help.

    Also the instrutor I spoke to , said that the radio is actually the backup and that the primary mode of talking to a student under canopy is flags and hand signals. So that should be simple , even if I cant find a way to keep my CI on during free fall.

    Now .. can someone push the earth around the sun quicker .. I cant wait for spring so I can start jumping !!!!


  6. Recently did my first tandem.. And well .. I am hooked.

    Now the season is almost over up here in the north east USA. So likely I will be waiting until spring to go through AFF.

    I am only about 2 hours away from the NH tunnel ( flight and rental car from nyc to boston to nashua is only about 150 round trip .. ) So I can even do this as a day trip and take the wife to go look at leaves and things :-D.

    Should I go get some time prior to starting my AFF training ?

    Anyone have discount codes or anything to the NH tunnel ? Or perhaps someone has a membership and is willing to sell me a half hour or so ??

    Or will I end up learning bad things that I will have to unlearn in real air ?

    Thanks for any advise you can provide.

  7. Hello , I only just recently did a tandem jump. However I have caught the bug.

    I am deaf , but use a cochlear implant.

    If you did not know I was deaf , you would have a hard time telling. The CI allows me to have normal conversations and even use the phone.

    It is two parts , the external device that hooks over the ear , and uses a magnet ( not VERY strong ) to send signals to the actual internal implant.

    Anyone else dive with one , and if so how do you keep it attached.

    During my tandem , my instructor was able to put the processor ( the external device ) in his pocket , and hand it to me after opening. Worked great. and likely thats how I would fly with it latter in my diving career.

    However during training , I would feel much more comfortable using a helmet ( the DZ I am planing on traing with requires it also , I think ) . Does anyone else dive with one , and can advise of a model / brand / style that may be best to keep the coil placement ?

    Thanks for any information you can provide.