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Everything posted by smous

  1. I did ask for him, but he was out of town for the second tandem. I ended up with an instructor who happens to run our AFF program... Really, I would jump with any of our instructors, they're all great, and at my DZ anyway, they really don't seem to mind if you jump with a different instructor... I am in our version of AFF. Did ground school a week ago today, my first AFF jump last Saturday, and second is this Saturday. I knew I wanted to do AFF about 2 seconds in to my first tandem. With the second tandem, I knew I was addicted... If skydiving is ALL you've been thinking about, and your face hurts from smiling so much, you have your answer! Oh, when I did the first AFF jump, it was 34 degrees out at the DZ... I didn't really notice, and I don't like cold! I'm everything you'd never expect!
  2. I'm in the same situation right now. I did my first tandem with 1 instructor, my second with another, as the first wasn't available... Had STP (my DZs version of AFF) ground school with my first instructor, and first STP jump with the second, as the first wasn't available again (I see a pattern here...) I've rather enjoyed having more than one!! I think each instructor is slightly different in the way they do things, and for me, that's a good thing! I've learned slightly different ways to do things between the two... Jumping with both of them has also helped me be more confident in their abilities, and seeing as how I'm trusting them with my life (yes, as an STP student, it's all me in the end, but you get my point), that's rather important to me! Now, I just need to choose an instructor for STP jump 2 on Saturday... I'm everything you'd never expect!
  3. I think that was my exact response after I first saw that canopy overhead!! I have a feeling my DZ is going to get tired of me next year... I have some plans next summer to get over to Skydive Chicago after I get my license... I'm everything you'd never expect!
  4. Yeah, I couldn't wait!!! It's addictive, I swear! ...and about the jump... It was COLD... 36 on the ground, so, what, 6 at 10k, giving a wind chill at exit of between -25 and -30. good thing I brought my snowboard coat and pants - light and windproof! Exit cadence needs work, got 'got legs out' signal a couple times, I put them out, but forgot to HOLD them there, deployed at 5500'. Until now, I was looking at canopy flight as a way to get to the ground, so I could jump again, for more freefall time. I was very surprised that I enjoyed the canopy stuff just as much as freefall! Actually flying the canopy was great, I just wish it lasted longer! Almost had a stand up landing, however, the grass was wet, so my feet slipped out from under me... Now, just 22 more and I'll have a license... I'm everything you'd never expect!
  5. Well, it's official, I'm an STP (my DZs version of AFF) student!! DZ was slow today, so they did ground school... First jump Saturday, hopefully!!! I'm everything you'd never expect!
  6. Hey, thanks for the warm welcome!! Yeah, I'll need a lot of money next year, but its so worth it! Funny thing is people STILL don't believe I did it, even with photos and video... They all say I'm so quiet and reserved. Apparently they just haven't seen me doing something I really like. I'm just hoping the weather holds up here for a few more weeks. The DZ is supposed to get a Caravan for one more weekend, and I really want to jump from something bigger than their usual Cessna 182. I'm everything you'd never expect!
  7. It all started October 11th, when I was bored at work, as I am now! I called the local DZ, Plymouth Sky Sports, in Plymouth, IN, to see if they had an opening for a tandem the next day, and as luck would have it, they did! I was a bit early to the DZ, got to watch 2 tandems go before me, and began to question my sanity... At this point i was thinking 'Seriously, jumping out of an airplane??' Right about then, I was introduced to my instructor. He went through the training with me, and before I knew it, it was time to get on the plane... The climb to 10,000' seemed to go really quick, as my instructor went over most everything again. Next thing I know he got this big smile on his face and asked me 'are you ready to skydive?' Of course I was! So... he opened the door, and I thought to myself '....or maybe not', but I got this far, I HAD to do it. He tells me to put my feet on the 'step', which at this point looked really small (It's a Cessna 182, for what its worth), and put my arms in the safety position. I felt a little lean out, then in, then out and we left the plane. By the time he tapped me on the arms arms to move them from the safety position, I knew I had to do it again. It was completely amazing! Before I was back on the ground, I was figuring out how to budget the money for their AFF program... I did my second tandem October 21st, complete with video and a stand up landing, which caught me by surprise! I can't wait until spring for the AFF class and jumps to start!!! I'm everything you'd never expect!