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Posts posted by spikes2020

  1. NorrinRadd

    His pranks thus far seem to involve more work on his behalf than would be needed to clean up.
    Maybe get help from a friend and move his bed out of his room into the balcony or backyard. On a non-rainy day.

    I'm still finding post it notes every where... 1 wall is still mostly covered. They aren't as easy to clean up and you would hope.

    The balloons are mostly gone... every now and then i find a peice of one or a old condom... .... JK

    Jon W

  2. I currently own a house and rent out 2 of the rooms..So i dont want to damage it. Well my roommates have pranked me twice and i really need to get them back.

    First prank they did was they sticky noted my entire room and made a mario on my back wall out of colored sticky notes. Then handed me a pen as soon as i got home.

    Second was they filled my room with balloons, and handed me my knife as soon as i got home.

    I am currently thinking that spiders are the way to go. He hates them and would totaly flip out.

    So far i have gotten 80 tiny black plastic spiders and 24 large colored spiders to hide all over his room/car/bathroom/drawrs/bed/closet.... Along with 10 packs of spider webs, each covering 200 SF. Total cost ~20 bucks off ebay.

    I also want to buy a real spider to complete the joke and inspiring real fear in him.

    The plan is he would come into the room seeing that it is covered with fake spiders and what not and casualy clean it up. Until he finds the real one... Then after that each fake one would flip him out. Being that there are so many he would continue to find fake ones for months....

    Where should i hide the real one? (I've never had a pet spider before, i dont want to hurt it)
    What do you guys think?
    Any Improvements?
    What kind of real spider? (was thinking pink toed taranchula)

    I was going to post this to reddit but he reads that, so i decided to see about fellow skydivers.

    Jon W

  3. Well i have an idea that might fix the google search thing.

    Google uses 2 main components in its search algorithm.

    1) how many other sites link your site...
    I am sure that skyride uses this to the max, making it very popular on google. If every true dropzone website listed links to other real US drop zones maybe we could fix this.

    2) Number of clicks...
    Well because skyride has so many sites that it gets clicks and people redirected all over the place, i am sure this is also the reason they are at the top of the search. You can pay google a fee (how google makes 90% of its money) and it will place your company up in the top of the page. Each time someone click on your link you are billed a small amount.

    Anyway just some ideas...

    Jon W

  4. I disagree, i think fist bumps improve safety.

    Just like Skydive Radio shirts and swag improve your skydiving skills, i think the fist bumps gets everyone on the ground safely. Its that same mo-jo~ Like saying "i'm here if you need anything bro"

    That 'community feeling' will help provide a worm environment so that you can discuss any issues or concerns you may have.

    It maybe more challenging to fist bump everyone on the larger planes at bigger drop zones but i would also relate that to driving in NY City to like Omaha. Omaha everyone lets people in and is generally friendly because it is a smaller city. On the other hand NY City, you wont see that person again so who cares...

    anyway keep up the good work!

    Jon W

  5. Welcome, i too am looking to get into the wing suits~ they also run $1,500 or so...

    But try looking for a used rig... Its easier to pack and a lot cheaper!

    www.chutingstar.com is a great place to find new and used gear. I would recommend trying to find something that fits you there. Also talk to a local rigger. He will know a good deal that will be also safe and save you a few bucks.

    Jon W

  6. Quote

    Bear in mind that a main with a couple of hundred jumps or more on it will be significantly easier to pack than a new one. This is a real consideration at your stage of the game.

    this is the truth!! i got a main with 100 jumps or so on it and it takes me 3 to 4 times as long to pack it as anyone else in the area. A little of this could be my level of experience but, even when i paid a packer he takes twice as long as a "broken in" rig.

    Also doing some other research specters are a tad bit harder to pack it seems... Or at least a few people said so on the canopy reviews.

    Jon W

  7. how did he land it? PLF? that is a bit crazy.

    I've seen pictures of people use rock climbing gear and dangling one guy under the other with a parachute, then he drops off the end and opens his own chute.

    Jon W

  8. If hard openings scare you, you can always take actions to prevent this. There are several chutes that are known for their soft openings.

    My chute is a spectre and is well known for its slow and soft head on openings. This is a very nice canopy if you want to do wings suits later too. I have only put 20 or so jumps on it (not enough to really tell) but every one is head on and soft. Even with my noob packing skills. Just dont forget your slider!!

    Jon W

  9. Quote

    This is why you shouldn't give advice yet.;)

    The location of the cutter isn't determined by the AAD, it's determined by the manufacturer of the harness/container assembly.

    I know, but i am trying to make a point that there are a lot of other things to consider too, i mean if your going to get into that much detail.

    I mean if you want to be that much safer you should get a rig with a belly strap too. Both systems if approved by the rig's manufacture should operate almost the same.

    Jon W

  10. Pro's They both save your life?

    Umm, i dont know much but the location of the cutter would do more than the type i would think. Say if it miss fires or dosent cut the loop all the way... it could make it a total malfunction or prevent you from pulling the reserve (or so i heard). I would like to know more about this!

    I dont think that there would be much difference in either. They both cut a loop, and do it well. I think how the loop and cutter is configured is more important.

    Jon W

  11. If your really into it and can get there all day, you could do it in 2 days if your lucky =)

    I did 3 jumps the first day and 4 the second... If you start studding now on what you need to do for AFF1 and if you have that down cold maybe you could look at AFF2.

    I had them down so it was all reflex. If you get a timer, you fall 1,000 ft every 5 seconds so you can do your entire dive plan.

    anyway just something my instructor told me to do, saved me from repeating any jumps $_$

    Jon W