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Posts posted by Marinus

  1. Quote

    Clearly any idiot can take a quote out of context of time and place.

    Any idiot can start about "context" when confronted with disturbing texts in their holy writings. Not everyone buys into that lame excuse. Fact of the matter is that the quran, just like the bible, is used to justify a lot of heinous atrocities. Because it can be easily used for that.

    "No true Scotsman fallacy" in 3, 2, 1

  2. Quote

    Line for line you'd be hard pushed to find a greater load of hate filled crap than that in your post.

    Yes, because hating a couple of books that call for your death is about as hateful as it gets. If you want people to like the quran or the bible, it might be a good idea to rewrite the more disturbing parts. Disgust is a rather healthy reaction to gems like this.


    "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

    Yes. I know, I should read it in context in the original language or whatever excuse you use to use to pretend that's not a direct order to murder people.

  3. Quote

    Contrast that with how some Americans reacted to say, Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ." Sure, nobody died, but it also wasn't nearly as offensive.


    Those Americans didn't react to that flick with violence. That's not some funny detail. It's an extremely important difference. I'm gay, and Islam is a never-ending source of grievous insults directed at my kind. You know why I don't run around lynching random Muslims? Because I'm not a bloody primitive savage that throws a tantrum like a 4yo every time my precious feewings are huwt.

    Besides doe we really respect Muslims if we give in to the demands of the zealot nut-cases? Last tim I checked, 99,999% or so of the Muslims aren't rioting because of that movie.

  4. Quote

    All power is finite - even our very own Sun is at half a tank right now.

    And somewhere in the very, very distant future we'll be cooked off of this planet because of that. It's not very realistic to take the fact that the sun will run out of fuel eventually and use it as an argument in discussions about oil.

  5. Quote

    But also recognize that our very own sun is middle aged. We are in the unenviable position of entrusting our lives to an energy source that is non-renewable. Peak Hydrogen was reached 4.5 billion years ago. The sun is at half a tank right now and unless we can recycle that hydrogen to be refused, we’re in for some trouble in the future.

    You might want to take a closer look at the dying process of our sun. While the thing is running out of fuel as we speak, the energy output will increase over the next 5 billion year or so, (at least from our POV), so if anything solar energy will become an even better option in the future. Until the sun makes life on earth impossible that is, IIRC that will happen around 700.000.000 years from now. Oil on the other hand will run out somewhere in the next couple of hundred years.

    From a human POV the argument "but the sun is also running out" is just silly, 700 million years is how long it took for us to evolve from single cellular life forms. It's such a huge amount of time it's almost comprehensible.

  6. Quote

    Stubborn Scientific Fact No. 1: Petroleum packs a lot of energy per unit of volume. (Each liter contains 34 megajoules.) Consequently, gasoline makes a cheap, portable and convenient motor fuel.

    And when we run out of oil, god will provide us with new oil and/or the rapture will happen.

  7. Quote

    That's like saying there's no difference between real Christians and the Westborough Baptist church Christians.

    I believe Coreece said that real Muslims had nothing in common with the extremists, so kicking his butt is maybe not the right approach here.

    Personally after reading that boring pile of incoherent but clearly hate-filled crap known as the quran, I couldn't escape the impression that Allah, and his favourite child fondler Muhammad usually will "+1" and/or "like" a pile of dead kafirs. So maybe the real Muslims are the extremists, and the moderates are doing it wrong.

    As for the WBC: if you read the bible you can read for yourself that God hates fags and all that. That being a hate-filled bigot is a big advantage if you want to be a good Christian isn't their fault.

  8. Quote

    Absolutely true. But based on history, it's not unexpected either.

    The video's creators knew full well that they were deliberately provoking a reaction like this.

    So we should give in to the religious nut-cases then. Last time we did that it didn't work out that well.

    I suggest we try a different approach this time, and remove the rabid religious from society. They seem to lack higher brain functions, they kill indiscriminately, an they attack in hordes, so destroying the brain or beheading them might both be good approaches.

  9. Quote

    Muhammad even went so far as to 'marry' a NINE YEAR OLD

    Actually Muhammed married Aisha when she was 6 years old. He waited till reached the ripe age of 9 before he consummated the marriage. It's not know if he used her in other ways in the mean time. After all according to Muh "Your wives are a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will", so technically except for the vagina, the rest of her body was fair game. But if he did, who can blame a 50+ yo for fondling a bit with his property while he was waiting for it to hit puberty.

  10. Quote

    that would risk blowing the bubble of revisionism you and others have created.

    Not really, in the beginning there was the Roman civilization, then Christianity happened and everything fell apart. After that the dark ages followed, a period marked by scientific and economic stagnation. At the end of the dark ages the power of Christianity was broken by things like the reformation and civilization rose again.
    If you look at the big picture no revisionism whatsoever is needed to draw the conclusion that Christianity is bad for science. Christianity has been a parasitic cultural phenomenon: it gobbled up money while holding back Western civilization.