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The STELLA™ does what no other analog altimeter has done. LB Altimeters has taken the accuracy and user experience of the ALTITRACK™, the versatility of the VISO II+™ mounting system and combined them into STELLA™... all at a price-point that is friendly to an entry level student skydiver all the way to a seasoned veteran of the sky.

STELLA™ gives every skydiver digital accuracy with an analog face (ft or M), using LB Altimeters’ world renowned research, development and engineering, a small, accurate and versatile altimeter for any discipline. STELLA™ is far more accurate than any traditional mechanical altimeter, STELLA™ is the “must have” altimeter.

LB Altimeters allows the jumper to customize the STELLA™ to your individual style with different sized STELLA™ Elastic Wrist Mounts in a wide variety of colors (similar to VISO II+™). Slip your STELLA™ into the secure, flexible mount and you’re ready to jump!


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