
Music For Your First Tandem

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yeah yeah...
cute song... may have had some significance "back in the day" of 800 foot static line exits"...but doesn't apply to todays tandem skydive,,, which if you haven't yet made one,,, is actually a cathartic experience... not a hairy scarey one....
when i mix a tape for a persons first video... they choose the tune for the freefall..
But I often start out with the theme from Mission Impossible, then even use a little of The Dangerzone from top gun,,( I try to hit a shot of the Danger ..sign which is on the ladder we use to board ) to syncronize with the music... then the Heat is On ,,from Bev Hills Cop works good for the take off roll and rotation and some decent instrumentals..fill in the canopy ride, landing etc......But Hey Bro' it's YOUR video..!!!

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Right, it is, and thanks for your comments.

The songs you mentioned are cool ones, do doubt, but I'm 54, my Dad was a paratrooper in WWII, and even though he's passed on, I think he would like to have seen my video and may have even sung along with "Blood On The Risers".

I am actually choosing only three of my tunes. The others (if anyone cares) are ELP's Fanfare For The Common Man for the jump, Henrix's Purple Haze ("'Scuse me while I kiss the sky") for the chute portion, and I am letting my video guy choose the psot-jump music and whatever else he wants add.

Got any suggestions for post-jump?



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got any suggestions for post jump??

yes.. an Ice Cold beer !!!!
my gratitude to your Father and to those like him,,,, without whom this sport NEVER would have "gotten off the ground"...:o Those orignal "test jumpers" laid the framework for the "sport of the space age" to follow...
Have a super super jump....
Finishing off the video with Louis Armstrong.. 'what a wonderful world' works well,,, as does U2's "Its a beautiful Day"..... have a great great time....j

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Wow! Thanks for your words! I think I just found my post-jump song. My Dad liked Louis Armstrong a lot.

I notice you have been in the sport a long time. I'd appreciate any tips on how to deal with those last minute jitters!

My e-mail is in my profile.

Thanks again for what you said. On this 60th anniversary of D-Day, that means a lot.


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