
Why NOT to buy a JVC......

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Okay, here is my story from a post I read.

Why NOT to buy a JVC stlye camera.....

1. No D-Boxes avail. I had to custom build a box out of fiberglass and carbon fiber. It works, and looks good, but two weeks of resin and sanding had made me loopy.

2. They are cheaper than Sony. Yeh, and you pay for it latter when the service technitions F*(k your camera up and says it's fixed.

3. They have all of the features. No, they don't! If you are getting a camera, get a Sony. The LANC port option is the best. It will allow the use of a Cam-Eye, where JVC won't. Try turning a JVC on in a box with gloves on at 11,000 when it's -32 deg F.

Now the story of what happened. I started shooting a tandem vid 2 weeks ago. The display said "Entering safeguard mode, remove and replace battery." so I did, put it back together, and it worked fine. Get on to jump run, I turn it on, same shit. Luckily it was a long jump run and I got everything to work just seconds before the exit.

Took it into Circuit city for a service plan. Got it back, put it back together, and went to do a tandem vid for practice to check everything out. Now, the damn thing won't even come on. It powers up, but the display is black. Now, I scratch from the load, pissed off at my helmet, and start working my camera. I finally get it to come on, start recording and it says it has excessive moisture and requires head cleaning. Man, now I'm really pissed! I work it some more, and finally get it working. I can record and everything. Whew, I fixed it. Good job right, wrong! I start recording ground footage, and now the damn zoom and snap shoot buttons don't work. F$%^!!!!!!!!! Now none of the control buttons work!

That bitch is going back for a full refund tonight!!!

Long story short, If you want to video tape skydiving, don't mess around with anything other than Sony!!!!!!!!!

Just my rant. Sorry!

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well, the one i occasionaly jump with works just fine despite it's age (6 years), but has problems with Sony DV tapes... i shot 3 wonderfull jumps last weekend, 2 sitfly jumps and a hybryd jump... it recorded fine, but i had problems viewing it.... the tape worked a OK on other non JVC cameras, but yesterday, the camera, ehm, pulled in the tape.... i mean, WTF????

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I had a GRDVM75 JVC and it was a good thing I got the extended service plan from best buy. A couple of months after I started using it, I found out that the playback on the camera was crap. And the camera would always say to clean the heads. I turned it in to JVC and they said it was moisture damage and it was not fixable. My PC101 would never do that. JVC sucks.

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