
RW from a Cessna-182

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Hi all: Really new to RW and looking for some tips on first moves on 3 ways and 4 ways if only a C-182 is available. Been doing 2-ways pretty consistently, both on grips and not, but seems any attempts for 3 and 4 ways have been botched...I've got a pretty fast fall rate so maybe recomend a slot for me. Dan

ISAIAH 40:31

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1): dress for success. you may need baggier jumpsuits... your partners may need tighter if your fall rate is higher than theirs

2) it If you fly your body, (ie; anticipate sinking, as soon as the grips drop flatten out..... you may pop up a bit, but its easyer to go down to someone than it is to go up.

3) what is the skill level of the other jumpers?....if they are around your level your success rates wont be that great, nothing against you or your partners.... but at your level of skill, your bag of tricks isnt anywhere near what it will be in another 1000 jumps.......

4) Never give up, keep at it....... each jump, even if you think the jump is a waste, somewhere in your subconcious you learned something, and one of these jumps, you will go up and shit will flow soooo smooth, you will be high for a month.......

have fun;
They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Heya Dan!

I feel your pain because I jump a 1 plane C 182 DZ and I fall 'rather fast' as well. In a few over 200 jumps I've done a few dozen 3 and 4 ways, tops (lots of 2 way, lots of style & tumblefuq fun dives). Same problem. 2 ways are fine - and lots of fun. Do whatever. On 3 ways we generally launch a star, a compressed, or a PFF exit PFF on the big fast guy is super stable and a great way to start. From the harness grip you can get to a star very easily and by then you;re off the slide and ready to judde your true fall rate issues - if they're there.

4 way is an entirely different matter. You didn't mention the experience level of your other flyers but I would suggest that at least the "A's" be senior coaches if you want decent success. Coaches are not only good at making fallrate adjustments and covering up other mis-cues, but they also have superior debriefing skills.

Exit practice. Do lots and lots of dirt diving. First in suits, then with full gear, Hutch made us do the exit 'hop' until we could all land at EXACTLY the same time. It's harder than it sounds but it underlined the exit timing issue as being THE FIRST key to a good dive.

During our senior RW camp (as opposed to the Jr. camp which is for 2 way), I only ever flew inside and outside float. Outside is tough because you're out on the strut forever, and if you're late on exit the piece rotates below you and you'll likely blow it apart (ask me how I know) when you sink out on the slide. Inside float is better because you're last to set up and you're more likely to end up on the bottom of the formation on the slide naturally. At least, that's how it worked for me.

Remember, I have a very limited experience with 4 way and not that much more 3 way. However, all but a handful of dives have been from a 182 so I understand the related issues. I had a few dives from a Kingair in California and that is so totally differnt ....

Coaching, coaching, coaching. Find 2 seniors you can get along with and respect, find another low-ish timer of similar build (if possible). Do lots of dives together. Do 2 ways with your buddy and practise fall rate control exercised on those dives (boring, I know) because eventually you 2 will become the "A's" flying centre and others will join "your" team.

Stick with it - get to a camp or a mini-camp if you can. Remember, rule #1 after "pull" is HAVE FUN ;)


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Hey Dave...thank you so much for taking the time and energy replying to my inquire...You've given me a lot of stuff I didn't know...really! I'll try some of the things you've recomended and I'll get back to you. Lord Bless, Dan

ISAIAH 40:31

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