
Where to take skydiving lessons in Vienna, Austria

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Hi, I am new to this forum, I have never skydived before and would like to start taking some lessons. I live in Vienna, Austria. Does anyone know where I can go take lessons here? I came across some German websites on the internet but I don't speak much German either. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

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Vienna has a couple of places for you to learn and I believe you can get your USPA license there as well. If not, the Austrian program is very good, just a tad bit expensive.

The best thing to do is to get a hold of Eli. She has a rigging loft and skydiving store in the 15th district and speaks excellent English. She has been in the sport for years and is an excellent person to learn from.

Her numbers are posted at: http://www.fallschirm.at/index.php

You will probably end up jumping at either Krems. Linz or Wiener Neudorf.

Please let her know that Dan Oden said hello!! And have a great time there!!

whips n' chains n' hand-grenades with a little ugly on the side.

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