
Onto coaching jumps!

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today i completed my high and low solod jumps, both went good. graduated afp in 9 jumps, and now im onto my 6 coaching jumps. do you guys reccomend starting the coaching jumps right away, or would i be better off doing some more high solos first to just get more used to jumping alone?

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I did my first coached jump this weekend. I did a couple solo jumps after my high and low solos, and I'm glad I did. Now going into my coach jumps, I know what I did well on my solo jumps and what I didn't do well, so I know what I want to work on with the coaches. It helped me build confidence in my jumping too, just by having a couple solo jumps in the logbook. I also learned how to pack before doing my coach jumps. Just my $0.02

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The best opinion you'll get will come from the instructors who know you best. All you can expect to get here is a one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter recommendation that may or may not be the best thing for you. If you get conflicting opinions from the people who wrote your logbook, do what makes you feel the most comfortable. There just isn't any one answer for that question. Good luck either way.

The glass isn't always half-full OR half-empty. Sometimes, the glass is just too damn big.

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Once I got off of AFF I did a ridiculous amount of solos. Something like 20 or 25 before I even jumped once with a coach. I had some stability issues in freefall and wanted to work them out by myself before spending the money on coach jumps.

Turns out that in doing so many solos I developed some bad habits. I finally got them worked out but man was it frustrating.

Anyways, definitely listen to your instructors, but if I can throw my two cents in, I would say not to wait TOO long before starting the coach jumps.

But a few solos shouldn't hurt!

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Do some solos, but try to keep learning and getting better at particular things. Set objectives for yourself and push yourself to achieve them. Talk with a coach or instructor and get some exercises to work on. When you have made a few jumps and have done the exercises, then get the coach to go with you and see how you're doing. Then go to a pattern of 2-3 solos in between coach jumps. That will let you practice and learn on your own in between coaching and will make your money go farther.

This may sound like work rather than fun. Well, that depends on how you approach it. Some people get into the "Mindless Fun" mode and never quite get around to learning anything. All of a sudden, they have 100 jumps and they can't pack, spot, exit, or hardly even fall stable.

It's your money and your jumps. It's just my 2 cent opinion.

Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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