
what about jobs

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I've been working overseas as a contracter for the past 6 months saving up money for when I come back to the states. In another 6 months or so I'll be coming back, but what I really want to do is skydive, and maybe skydive for a living. I'll have plenty of money to skydive one, but I'll want to be working too, while spending as much time at the DZ as possible (doesn't matter which one as long as thy jump year round). Wanted to know if DZ's will train people as packers or if they mostly only want experienced people. Thanks,
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Well, I looked at the first three links you gave me, and they talk about year pay for seasonal/full time people, but what I wanted to know is if the DZ's only hire trained packers for the most part or if they will hire and train new guys.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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I just started jumping 3 months ago and my DZ(a small one) is training me to become a Tandem packer. (under a riggers supervision of course) and theyre a year round DZ.

Im not looking to make any real profit from it but Im gonna do it to pay for jumps.

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Only one way to know for sure - get in touch with your local DZ and find out. If your profile info is correct and you're in Oregon, things will be pretty slow during the winter, but there's a very busy summer season. Skydive Oregon is the largest operation in the area with a pretty active tandem and student program - and they might be willing to work with you over the slower winter months to get you up to speed for the busy season.

Only way to know for sure is to call 'em up and talk. Or, better yet, go by the DZ and get to know people and see what the possibilities are. If you're willing to work hard and learn, most if not all DZs can find a place for you.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Well, I'm from oregon originally, but I doubt I'll be living there when I'm done overseas, possibly texas, cuase there's a possible good job there, thanks though. The only places I've been to so far are Las Vegas and Mesquite NV, like Mesquite better.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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