
5TH Time Is A Charm... For Me At Least

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So i hit a wall in my AFF progression. I was not able to keep stable and my legs were all over the place. I tried 4 times to pass my AFF with the turns and forward motion. Last weekend I tried it 3 times in the same day and failed every time. I was pretty bummed. My instructor OJ told me to do wall drills and practice my arch on the ground. I went back out yesterday and just felt like I should do a relaxing jump. No turns nothing. I just wanted to fall and feel how a good jump felt like. It was amazing! I was stable and everything felt great! After i landed I went on to do my turns. Passed it no problems. I was a little unstable on the exit because of kicking but that was it. Then I did my backflip while also doing my first solo exit. I was a little squirly on my exit but I never flipped over or anything. The backflip went ok but I didn't really do it right but I still got myself unstable and then recovered in time to chase my AFF-I to.

All in all it was an AWESOME day and I have NEVER had that much fun jumping! It's so much better when your relaxed and just there to have fun!

Blue Skies!

Q: Why would someone ever want to jump from a perfectly good airplane?

A: Why Not?

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