
where's waldo? tandem video edition...

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i don't have many jumps but i feel like i've been in a whole lot of random people's tandem videos already. if a team of researchers sat down and watched every tandem video in the world, how many would you be in (entering/exiting plane, pre/post jump background ect...)?, not including any jumps where:
1) you were paid (TI or video)
2) you were the tandem passenger
3) you where there with the tandem passenger

depending on your home dz i imagine this number could be as much as 50% of your total jumps (or more...), in which case it's funny to think you could be at a total strangers house, and if they put on their tandem video you have a fairly decent chance of putting a dumb look on your face and shouting "hey, that's me!"

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