
Is the Federal Reserve good for America...?

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Pretty simple, so I am just throwing it out there.

I see many people read this forum and not many post.

(Gee, I wonder why)

This way we can get an idea of what the people that read this forum think rather than just listen to those that talk over everyone else...

For those that are not so familiar with how The Fed was established here is the stiff and long version...


And here is a humorous version in video format for those with short attention spans...

Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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Pretty simple, so I am just throwing it out there.

I see many people read this forum and not many post.

(Gee, I wonder why)

This way we can get an idea of what the people that read this forum think rather than just listen to those that talk over everyone else...

For those that are not so familiar with how The Fed was established here is the stiff and long version...


And here is a humorous version in video format for those with short attention spans...


it used to be before they started printing money at will

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