
A truly disgusting Ignorant Piece Of S**T individual

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The heading describes the worthless, heartless bastards that would steal gear from one of us and it makes me sick to my stomach!

I am fairly new to the skydiving community with only 6 months in the sport and near 200 jumps. I recently visited (2 weeks ago) the wonderful crew at Skydive El Sol in Cabo San Lucas Mexico for a little skydiving and a wonderful evening of cocktails and laughs that evening. It was very clear to me that the two people my wife and I spent that day and evening with lived for their love of Skydiving and I can also tell you that to survive as a Skydive instructor / packer in Cabo is not an easy task. Then to hear from Astrid that her lifeblood had been stolen less then a week after our return made me want to vomit.

To steal is wrong, but to steal something so precious and dear and personal to someone, something that gives a skydiver so much pleasure, keeps us alive and in many cases sets us back as much as a used car is like cutting off the wings of angles.

I personally feel that anyone who would steal a skydivers rig should put it on, try and jump it, and die a miserable horrifying death as they plummeted to the earth saying "O'SHIT, this is that karma thing I have heard about....SPLATTTTTTT.....LOL

In all seriousness it really makes me sick and if anyone has any info on Astrids gear please let us know and I will personally travel to retrieve these items and deal with the individuals involved.

Link to her gear


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