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I didn’t believe in a fairy tale love until I met Christopher. I tried not to fall in love with him but anyone who knows him understands how hard it is not to love him. He was a beautiful, kind and loving man with an amazing spirit. I never thought I was good enough for him and each day, when I awoke in his arms, I wondered how I got so lucky. He told me once that he wasn’t a perfect man. That none of us was perfect. That’s when I realize how special he was. Always finding the good in every person and in every situation. Loving them despite their imperfections. He saw right through me and loved me even more.
I thought that people where either the kind that only took care of themselves or only took care of others. Chris was both. He would always say to me, do what makes you happy and don’t worry about the rest. He did what made him happy and always made sure that everyone else was doing what made them happy. We all had so much to learn from him.
So with that I would like to read you a poem that I wrote when I met Chris. It’s called “Live Your Life”….
There is a choice you make every moment you’re awake
To live your life as if there are no mistakes
Only chances to learn and chances to grow
You open your eyes and go with the flow
Consciously choosing the path that you take
Consciously loving the choices you make
Don’t sit back and wait
By then it will be too late
Grasp life by the hand and make a stand
Only you can bring yourself down
You only hear your own sound
So tell yourself how much you’re worth
And prepare for your rebirth.
Lords Prayer In Aramaic
I Will Always Love You Babe!

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Thanks for that post Christine. I just learned of this tragedy today. I am delighted that I had the honor of knowing Chris and devastated that he has left this world. I watched his "My Summer Vacation" video tonight and he put another smile on my face. Chris is still all around us. -Rob Tonnesen

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