
So I Woke up this morn.....

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So I woke up this morning in Manama Bahrain....in the Sheraton there to be exact. I realized that my tv had internet.....so here i am...greetings from half a world away. unfortunatly to my dismay there is no dropzone here.....SO back to old faithful..the DZ that is always there. DZ.com I am still looking forward to be being able to jump soon though, anybody jump in cairns Australia? I think I'm going to get a jump there when i fly in there later this year. I'm actually heading to hungary and the Czech Rep to visit some family so maybe I'll get one in there too...god i need to jump bad.....well enough of my ramblings, thanks dropzoners for giving me a view to the skydiving world while i'm in the middle east on tour.

"Ignorance my be bliss, However ignorance will not last forever......and the truth after is twofold"

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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last time i was there was a year ago in dec, Ramadan
needless to say my american ass was not havin a ball, smoked a cohiba and a Romeo & Julieta at the bar in the sheraton then got my flight to hong kong asap.

since the brits gave it back that place is no fun either
ak-47 non smilin angry types at the airport, and great gift shops

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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there are a couple places to jump in cairns

pete's parachuting, and a much larger place with great flyers, and met mad jumpers from there while scuba diving the reef on vacation. just go into any one of a hundred day trip places along the strip
"the only street in town actually" and grab a flyer
cairns rocks!!!!!! go to the COCK & BULL resturant 20+ kinds of beer, and you'll be drunk and well I mean well fed for 10-15 bucks no problem

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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