
Question - what happened with....

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... those missles that the USMC supposedly found yesterday, fully loaded with chemical weapons?

Is that the stuff that turned out to be pesticides (can't see the Iraqis loading up missles with Raid or Deep Woods Off or something, but ya never know) or was that the other find?

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Nothing heard for sure (so I can't provide a link) but I think I saw something where a Colonel was saying that it looked like pesticides at an agricultural facility.

I personally think that the media rush to report something without confirmed hard evidence is one of the bad aspects of how close the media are to what is going on. Stories are reported before all the facts are established.


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Wasn't on about the missiles more the stash that they'd found. I thought the missiles had warheads but nothing in them?

However do you think the missile crop spraying has commercial potential? Seriously I'm looking for a job.
I can see it now. yours for 5 easy payments of 19.95 but wait there's more order now and we'll include a rusty T-55 for Moose hunting absolutely free just pay S&H.


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