
Computer Geek Skydivers !!

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I have always wanted to skydive, but never had the opportunity. When I was married, my wife put the big red-x stamp on those plans. Once I got out of that situation and moved from the left coast to the right one and met the woman of my dreams, we decided to start skydiving together. B|

Kevin... cracked me up - "out of that situation..."

So "gentlemenly." Not as nice as I would have put it... :D

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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Did a tandem freshman year of college and got hooked. Waited and kept track of the club at school and then the opportunity presented itself and the rest is as they say.. another poorer college jumper ;).
But i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world

Pineappe Death Juice, If you have to ask you'd rather not know!

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