
Help my dog... please

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Check this out, i'm sure some of you have run accross the same problem. Our lab mix, (my little brother's, which he absolutely loves, i cannot see him without the dog), started jumping the electrical fence. He now roams around the neighborhood when we let him go outside. He is about two years old.

He is a very peaceful dog, and doesnt understand if we punish him when we find him somewhere else.
We have tried everything with the fence as far as strength of shock, and tightness of collar, but he doesnt care for the little pain it gives him.

He would never hurt anyone, and just wants to play with other dogs and people. My parents want to get rid of the dog. THis would be very hard for me, and devestate my brother. WHAT DO WE DO???

I would really apreciate all your help! Thankyou!

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Try the sliding leash (on a pully)
connected to a cable anchored between
two points in the yard...(tree/house, tree/tree)

Gives the pup plenty of exercise and he's
tied up and can't play hide n' seek!

When we got our first 'big dog' a few years ago...
I tried the shocker thingie...
I think he actually LIKED getting zapped!
...did everything he could think of to
get the tingle!!

Had to just go to HIGHER fences...:S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I have trained several dogs to NOT leave the perimeter of the yard, even tho they have no leash. We live on a very busy street, and have trained obedience titled dogs, and one that became a cop.Labs are extremely friendly, smart animals, but just like every other dog, they are pack animals. You have to be the Alpha, or they are. Go to 6 weeks of dog obedience, and you will be amazed at the difference in your animal, and his understanding of what you (humans) expect. btw, you aren't training the dog, you are training YOU.
Walking an imaginary line,(say 2 feet inside the fence line) with a dog on a choke chain with a leather lead, and CONSISTENTLY saying "NO!" with a quick jerk/release action, teaches them that they are NEVER to cross that line. Every time they come back to you the correct thing to do is LAVISH them with praise. Labs especially will eat this up, and learn to NEVER cross that line.

This is gonna take a Max of 10 minutes a day for a standard size yard. If he isn't worth 10 minutes a day, your folks SHOULD find him a new home.

We trained a spastic, high strung, freaked out Siberian husky, when everyone figured she needed to be put down. It can be done
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gotta agree. On the invisible fence topic, They do work, but it really depends on what brand also. The one I used had a variable depth feature. If the width of the shock zone is only a few feet the dog will learn to run through. when you start turn the width of the shock zone up to 10 feet each side of the wire. I guarantee you that the dog will not go through. As they learn the zone you can adjust the width down to a couple of feet. They need to learn to associate both the tone on the collar and the pain with their boundary. Most of the time I did not even need to have my fence activated for the dog to know not to cross.
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Unfortunately it is already at MAX level. He still runs through. I advised me parents and brother to do the training as explained earlier, we will see how this works.
They say that they think the problem might originate in taking the dog for walks. He only crosses the fence where they cross (when his shock collar is off), when they take him for a walk.
I will try to help my parents and bro out as much as I can in training the dog. Thankyou very much for all your help, I hope it works!!

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I've had electric fences and had trained dogs that did stay within those perimeters although if the incentive is strong enough any dog can/will run through. The real problem I find with electric fences is that even if your dog learns to stay within it - it doesn't prevent other dogs/people from coming in.

Get a real fence and protect your dog not just from going out and getting hit but from anyone or anything coming onto your property and bothering him.

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You cannot really just train a dog to do or not to do one thing.......you need to train your dog to think, communicate with you, follow hand and sound commands and instill a sense of self-awareness and responsibility to You-the master(or in this case your brother). Once you do this, then teaching him to stay within the boundaries of the yard would be very easy. But your dog is still young and probably not ready for very much especially since it sounds as if you have not done much training with him.

I work with my dog about an hour a day and we do all kinds of physical and mental exercises. Before I had to put down the other boxer I had, I would train both of then at the same time and that was much fun! It was hard at first, but once they both began to understand how they should work together and what I expected of them, their learning curve exploded! If you would like some training tips or ideas, PM me and tell you my experience.:)

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others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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