
Gonna be an uncle(again)!!

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My sister her husband and my mom came over this weekend.(they are going on a cruise) and my sister tells me to look at my nieces new shirt.So I look at it and it says "I'm the big sister" So I look at my sis and ask " how far?" she says "One month". so I'm sitting here thinking COOL!!!! another kid to corrupt!!

it's fun being an uncle:)
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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I'm an uncle 5 times over right now. With more to come I'm sure. (4 sisters who want lots of kids) I love it. When ever I'm in home (which isn't very often) my neices and nephews get spoiled to death, so much so that my sisters and their husbands can't wait for me to leave.;)

Some day I'll have my own, I can't wait. But for now my nieces and nephews will get the love and toys.

edit to add: Wow it only took 4 years to reach 400 posts.

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