
Things I've learned in the last week.

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Sometimes Psychiatrists have more issues then their patients, are more neurotic, and in need of more therapy then them Too! And inflict more trauma on patients then they, alleviate!:o:o Then someone else has to clean up their mess! They also provide plenty of online trails of, evidence, especially when you can see their IP address, & link them even when they change their log-in names!:D:D;):P Which comes in real handy! Particularly, when you realize you've mistakenly given them, the benefit of the doubt and offended, the patient, by doing so, until you realize the patient was right all along, (and you should have let them handle it their way from the start) & the Doc, did their own defense in on line! Fucking Classic!

I have no idea what this means. Can you explain?:S

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Sometimes Psychiatrists have more issues then their patients, are more neurotic, and in need of more therapy then them Too! And inflict more trauma on patients then they, alleviate!:o:o Then someone else has to clean up their mess! They also provide plenty of online trails of, evidence, especially when you can see their IP address, & link them even when they change their log-in names!:D:D;):P Which comes in real handy! Particularly, when you realize you've mistakenly given them, the benefit of the doubt and offended, the patient, by doing so, until you realize the patient was right all along, (and you should have let them handle it their way from the start) & the Doc, did their own defense in on line! Fucking Classic!

And sending PM's to many people under other log-on names, that will again be very incriminating in court & prove paranoia! We're going to have to upgrade the Main Frame, HardDrives, Servers & order lots more disks & Cases of paper for the printers! The evidence is mounting! I thought your only supposed to have one account? :S
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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Not using you, that's why no names were mentioned. Got several messages & emails today, telling us the same thing! Talk about self destructive! MRB's & CC's gonna love this, (especially the paranoid, accusations that I'm someone else! The someone else has their own Pm/email acct. she should send them there!) along with the posts downloaded & copied before they went to recycle! Sorry for the thread hi-jacking! Done here!
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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