What's the funniest thing an instructor wrote in your logbook ?

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I did static-line, so I didn't have as great an understanding of hand signals as the AFF students did. On jump #18, my JM was giving me the "toe-taps" signal (to bring your feet closer together.....done with one hand, a motion like an alligator's jaws opening and closing). I had no idea what it meant, so he did it again....still no action on my part. He flew right up to me, put his hand between his face and mine, looked at it intently, and signalled a third time. I still had no clue, but thought I'd better do SOMETHING, so I did a backloop. When I came back around, I couldn't see him anywhere........that's when I felt him grab my ankles and forcefully shove them together. :$

That night, a bunch of us hit the Pizza Hut for a few brews, and he wrote in my logbook "responded well to backloop signal (looks like toe-taps)"......:)

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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