
OJ Simpson: What will he see from his prison cell?

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Some eleven years later, OJ Simpson will find that even "if the glove doesn't fit..." it will be going in ....

The attached picture in perspective: the guard seems to be thinking: "Wait until it's all over, I'll make that OTHER glove fit !".....

Second picture, and the purpose of the thread .... post things and pics of things OJ may see from his prison cell.....
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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The sad thing is?

If OJ had actually confessed to the murders, and he had committed them in Texas, as a "crime of passion", he may not have served any time, either.....even if he had confessed:

"a defendant's excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of "premeditation." This usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her "beloved" having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. To make this claim the defendant must have acted immediately upon the rise of passion, without the time for contemplation or allowing for "a cooling of the blood." It is sometimes called the "Law of Texas" since juries in that state are supposedly lenient to cuckolded lovers who wreak their own vengeance. The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant."

Sad, but true.....

And let's not forget, Nicole Brown was no pillar of society:

"Resnick also spoke frankly about her drug problem, acknowledging she free-based cocaine "once or twice" at Nicole Simpson's house in the weeks before the murders. "

Now, I'm definately no OJ supporter, but she was using drugs in the presence of OJ's kids, sleeping with another man while they were still married, and he could qualify for the Texas law.

So even if the glove DID fit, in Texas, he still would not have served any time. They were still LEGALLY married.

Go Texas, setting a fine example for the rest of us, AGAIN.

The last arrest? Dumbass. Dumbass. Dumbass.

Need I say more?
"Get these balls!"

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For two more days! And even that's only until I get banned again, which I'm sure I will. Opinions are like assholes, and I'm DEFINATELY an asshole.

And I read the rules for this forum. Didn't post any political views here. Just a reply to a topic that was posed. Didn't talk about guns, politics (not sure whether OJ was Republican or Democrat) and no religion in there either.

Just an observation of laws concerning the aforementioned prisoner.


"Get these balls!"

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This is not Speaker's Corner, don't post like it is because you're banned from there.

I think he LOSTNCRAZY is counting on a reserve ride from low altitude ! Gee......
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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Been there, done that. Some of us can think through a low pull.

Next? I'm looking for a REAL challenge.

But hey, I'm CRAZY. Bonafide. Ask the Feds. They'll confirm. My profile with them extends longer than these forums.

Psych Ops harassment is a past-time of mine. It's fun......
"Get these balls!"

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