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Hi guys,
It's fantastic to finally be a part of the skydive community. Thanks Drozone for getting so many of us together in one place :)I've just done my AFF in February 2011 at the Free Fall University in Ocana, Spain... Awesome crew, and I'm eternally in their debt...
Looking forward to making some new friends and acquaintances, so feel free to contact me and give me all the advice you have...

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I've been on a bit of a roller coaster ride when it came to getting my A-lisence...
I completed my AFF course and 5 consoles in 3 days in Spain and then returned to to Norway. The reason I did the course in Spain was because the season in Norway is only from April til August with unstable weather in between, and I desperately wanted to start jumping :P
When I got to Norway, They told me that they could not convert my student lisence, and that I had to first complete a written test over here (in Norwegian), and that any further education I got from abroad would have to be repeated in Norwegian tests over here. In addition, I neeeded a full medical exam, paid up insurance from our association, and paid membership to the local club >:(
Feeling more than a little annoyed, I went back to Spain and did another 22 jumps (coming back with 36 jumps in total)
While in Spain, they offered to do my A lisence with me, to which I declined, saying I would have to repeat it anyway in Norway :P
So, I'm back in Norway, write student exam, pass it somehow (I'm not actually Norwegian), then send in all applications, pay the club, buy insurance and then ask what's next.
The Norwegian A lisence exam:
5 X perfect pack jobs (signed off)
3 X jumps landing with 15m of the target
1 X very hard written exam.
Did the exam, (somehow passing it again)!
Tried doing a packing course, but whenever I was there, they were not having one, so I just jumped instead.
My landings are fine.
So, it's the end of season, got 49 jumps, been jumping as an A lisence jumper the last 12 jumps, although technically I'm still a student because nobody has taught me how to pack.....

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