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Hello all,
I am new to the skydiving world. I am a 44 year old Naval Officer. Did a tandem with my 18 year old son(Birthday present for him, Father's day present for me) in July, started my AFF in Sep. Have 18 jumps thus far and love it. I jump at the "HOME OF MIKE MULLINS and his King Air"....West Tennesse Skydiving. Everyone there has been wonderful. No big egos regardless of the number of jumps and you only jump solo if you want! I have been impressed with the friendliness of every skydiver I have met!

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B| Hi, Scoot!
Name's Kev, 47 yrs. old...made my first at 41. Former Navy....enlisted, couldn't afford the lobotomy! (sorry, just jokin'...old habit) AMS2....Brownshoe Navy....oops! (Sir!) I'm new to the forum thing. Stuck in nw PA, the armpit of the snow belt. I hate snow. I hate cold. I got a boatload of both and I'm goin nuts! We've had the "Super King" at our dz, a few times....I loved it! I'm a bit partial to King Airs, dunno why. I envy you, man....I mean, sir!
Anyway, welcome.....glad to have you aboard! You might want to check out POPS (Parachutists Over Phorty). Something I should probably do, too. I'm still in the "denial stage". I keep forgetting I'm so old but I suppose it's because I'm so old....that I keep forgetting, that I'm so old....and keep forgetting. See what you're in for? :o
Hope to hear more from you!
"T'was ever thus."

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Hey I was enlisted for almost 12 years...so I still bleed enlisted. I have looked at POPS, just haven't joined. Right now I don't see a big benefit. Once I get more jumps and feel I have the expertise to join in on some of the big ways....I will be there. Joining for the sake of joining doesn't interest me.....and since we are always wearing uniform candy (read ribbons) the patch just doesn't float my boat.
You do know that the only reason the "AIRHEADS" wear brown shoes is because they are not smart enough to pull down their pants before taking a dump and the crap rolls down their flight suits and stains the shoes;)

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Hey I was enlisted for almost 12 years...so I still bleed enlisted. I have looked at POPS, just haven't joined. Right now I don't see a big benefit. Once I get more jumps and feel I have the expertise to join in on some of the big ways....I will be there. Joining for the sake of joining doesn't interest me.....and since we are always wearing uniform candy (read ribbons) the patch just doesn't float my boat.
You do know that the only reason the "AIRHEADS" wear brown shoes is because they are not smart enough to pull down their pants before taking a dump and the crap rolls down their flight suits and stains the shoes;)


B| Awwww, man! Walked right into that one! You got me, I deserved it.....shoulda' known! Maybe that's why we use the term "s__t hot", to describe our "best of the best"! Seriously, though....there are 2 ligitimate reasons for the brown shoes.
1. When on land, we work so hard and so fast, that we wear off the polish and there's nothing left but the raw leather. I started every morning, with a new pair of dungaree pants....within 2 hours, I had them worn down to shorts!
2. On the carrier, it's because we have to keep shoving them up the butts of those pleasure cruisin' boatpeople, to get them out of our way....so we can hurry up and win the war (that one of you guys, on liberty.....probably started). Must be why we always say you canoe club types are "Haze grey and in the way!":ph34r:
So....Maverick, or Muskrat? I mean, Mustang? Not a bubblehead, are ya'? I had planned on going LDO but Clinton's cutbacks crushed my move. Took one last shot and tried for the Blue Angels but didn't get the slot. That's when I punched out.....but I had a ball, while I was in! I enlisted and went to bootcamp, at 30. Enlistment to E-5....in 2 years, 2 months and 22 days....w/o a pushbutton, couldn't get that in a mech rate.
You might want to start being nice, to us airdales....might come in handy, some day. If I had been jumping when I was in....I could have been jumping every helo, in the Navy inventory (we had just gotten the H-60s) and most of the planes. I had good connections with all the squadrons and flight ops. If I had known then, what I know now.
I heard POPS does quite a bit of charity stuff, that's my only real interest. Wow, didn't know there was a patch involved!
I don't really get into the RW thing. It was fun, at first but I'm over it. I mostly like to do really tall (10,000 +) hop & pops, when the "big fluffies" are out....play with the canopy. Other than that, just flyin'. I don't mind some RW, on clear days.
Take it slow & savor every minute, it just keeps gettin' better! Be careful, out there....on that "haze grey fishfood dispenser".

Subsection: 1A - PURPOSE
(Quote): "The purpose of a naval officer, is to guarantee that we suffer massive losses, in men and materiel....even in the unlikely event, that the enemy fails to show up....for the battle."
"T'was ever thus."

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Bubblehead...not even close....I was going to be a brownshoe but I have a positive IQ so they told me I was over qualified. As for those subs....well I always said I can swim for several miles along the surface, but one or two miles straight up is a different thing all together.
I joined way back in 81 and did almost 12 years as an Electronic Warfare Technician. I did the repair and operate....so yes I was a push button. Now I am an Operations LDO. You know CIC, missiles, radar, big guns and port and starboard watches. Currently I am in Millington, TN...just finished a short tour as detailer and now I am the Assistant Community Manager for all the LDOs and CWOs.
I too enjoy the canopy ride more so than the free fall...but with only 24 jumps I am sure much will change. I am in no rush, as I figure I have many more years ahead of me and have read too much in these threads about exceeding your limits. B|I plan on flying my 190 for MANY more jumps.:)
Watch turnover between 2 aviators: "Hey, you are in my seat!"

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B| I was in NATTC NAS Millington, for "A" school....Dec.-April '89! Does it still flood? Man....I hated that! The base is in a bowl and it fills up, every time it rains. I left that place with trenchfoot....and a high watermark, on my forehead. Every time it flooded, they had to check the school for "cottonmouths". They'd get into the closets and stuff. Luckily, I lived off base. Went to NAS NORVA, from there.
How long did it take, from the time you put in your "package"....until you got your LDO? I heard it's a grueling process...but it's the Nav norm, I suppose. By the way...congratulations! (belated) My last DO was a LDO (AME), a real good guy.
When I got to Norfolk, I had to do 90 days TAD as the CO's duty driver. One night, I got orders to pick up an Admiral, at the tower and chauffer him around. He arrived in civvies and with a female lieutenant. He bitched me up one side and down the other....because I had called him sir and opened the door, for him. He was pretty cool, I figured he was a lower. I found out later, it was Admiral Boorda!
"T'was ever thus."

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Millington has changed a lot since you were here. Most of the buildings are newish and they continue to build more. I have not seen it flood once. Have seen more than a few snakes!
All the aviation training was moved to Pensacola so much of the personnel support is now here; all the detailers, the promotion boards, recruiting etc. Millington proper has begun major growth...they even have STARBUCKS.
It took me 3 times to get picked up and everyday I am waiting for someone to show up and tell me it was a mistake and I have to go back to E-5. But the Navy has been real good for my family and me as well. My family and I have lived in Europe for about 6 years (Italy and Germany), we all learned to snow ski in the ALPS, I have taken my wife to Rome, Paris, Athens, and Palma on those important holidays such as birthday and anniversary. That would not have been possible if I hadn't signed the dotted line. The times away from family are hard but it also makes us appreciate the time together more.
I met ADM Boorda when he was NAVEUR. He was different from any Admiral I ever met.

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B| It sounds like it has definitely changed a lot, since I was there! There wasn't much of a town, to speak of....a few stores, on the strip. There was a K-mart, Church's Chicken....I think there was a McD's, by K-mart but I can't swear to it. The other stores didn't matter, anyway. They opened, sometime between 10 AM and 1 PM but it didn't matter, when they opened.....they were all closed, by 2 PM....regardless. There was an indoor shooting range, on the strip. It was about the only thing open, after 2 PM. I spent a lot of time there. We didn't have a car so we had to walk everywhere....plus, we had 2 kids. It was a little rough, at times but not so bad. It sure rained a lot, though. Three times isn't bad, considering....most don't make it. It clearly wasn't a "luck of the draw" thing, you obviously earned it....just had to wait for a slot, to open up. I joke a lot, about officers but really....I probably hung out more, with them....than I did with the enlisted guys. LDOs make the best officers, in my opinion. I'm not saying that, just because you happen to be one. I've seen a lot.
I'll try to give you a Readers' Digest version of my short career. I wouldn't be surprised if it somewhat parallels your own....before you made LDO. I'll try to send it by private message. The Navy was a good time, for me but all modesty aside....I was good, for the Navy. I was a "lifer"....terminal four-oh. I hated to leave. I think you'll understand why I had to, though.
Were you serious, about your Daughter, Wife and Mother in Law....the tandems? I won't let my wife jump, she's just not the type. She's Russian and very athletic but she doesn't follow instructions, so well. I have 2 sons, 2 daughters and 8 grandkids...that's a comfortable King Air load! I told all my kids, that I wanted enough grandchildren....to make a load on a King Air. I'm about there but I'll take a few more, if I can get 'em. I think one of my "grandbuddies" will jump, when he's old enough. He's a wild one!
"T'was ever thus."

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