
Did the AFF L1, Starting out on the A path...

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I did my first Skydive(AFF Level1) on the 5th of this month. I am hooked!! B| I had a little bit of trouble with the landing...sprained ankle. So no jumps for the next couple of weeks:(

My next goal is to get the USPA A license. What are the things I can do other than getting out to a DZ and getting some jumps under my belt that will help. Like reading, instructional videos, etc.

I have already become a USPA member.

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I'd buy an instructional DVD that Para-Gear puts out (in thier catalog). It is a five in one video set (having to do w/ Canopy Control, Packing, Malfunctions, etc.....). I think the titles are "How to Fly/Pack like a Pro", "Breakaway", can't remember the other names. As far as flying, "Kinestesia" is the way to go for the aerodynamics of beginning to learn how to fly.


I'm Lost! Which way to the Prairie?

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Welcome to the forums and good luck with your progression.

I would say they covered your question pretty good, so

Blue Skies!
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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That's good. Safety First! You can pick up the "learning how to fly" stuff later. Actually, flying becomes intuitive over time, "Kinesthesia" is more a "technical" explanation of what we do intuitively. Maybe just check it out at your local DZ. Every DZ has a copy of "kinesthesia".



I'm Lost! Which way to the Prairie?

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