
Where can i go in Spain Please

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Hi all :)Im Jon (UK) and new to these forums but i must say im pretty impressed with what ive seen and read so far.
Im going to do a Aff course in the near future and I'd love to do it in Spain.Ive had a surf about and looked at a few website's and price's and i thought i'd ask you lot for your advice if you have any please.

I have done a Aff course before but it was a few years ago now ,all come to a holt when house's and women came on the scene [:/] i was unable to continue,I just started and had to stop imagin my frustration Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:(
But now ive binned the bird and bought me own pad ive sorted me-self out and want to get back up there again.......... and abroad it shall be.....
So if yers got any good website address i can have a ponder about at or some good advice in genral i'd be well greatfull

Thankyou for your time

all the best


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I did my AFF in Empuriabrava just north of Barcelona last year and would recommend it. Their web address is http://www.skyrats.com/eng/home.htm.

The DZ is a very good one, they held the skydiving world cup there last year. There is also a lot to do there other than skydive and the beer is much cheaper than the UK!

It is a good DZ to do your AFF in as it is one that all UK DZ's know of and most will be happy to let you jump at their DZ's after getting your licence there.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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