
Climbers coming to the Turkey Boogie

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There is a climber from Colorado who has climbed and jumped "C" Tower a few times. He has volunteered to fix ropes during the Turkey Boogie on the rappel side of the tower(which wouldn't interfere with other climbers going up the routes). He needs help to do this from at least 1 other experienced climber. This opportunity is not to be missed if you are experienced with ascending a fixed line. There won't be anyone teaching ascending at this location. This is for people who already have experience ascending a fixed line and have their own jumars, harness and slings.
Please reply here or PM me.
Jimmy P
I have attached a picture of "C". It is a 400 foot tower perched on top of a 1,000 foot talus. You can outfly the talus almost to the campground where you park. It's awesome! The exit point is directly over the arete(corner) so if you have a 180, you only have to turn your canopy about 45 degrees to avoid hitting the tower.

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