
in memory of Josh

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Today, with a beautiful winter day and thoughts of many lost friends still alive in my soul, I opened a new exit (nearest town Winthrop, WA) in honor of Josh. A long and somewhat sketchy approach hike had me thinking that if Josh were along he`d be smiling all the way up.

At exit, I imagined him jumping an E not far from his hometown, alone. That, too, made me smile and with that I stepped off. Good energy was in the air, and things all came together. A short hike back to my car, and I warmed up my old bones as my partner Rion wagged and smiled his inestimable joy.

Here`s to you, Josh, and may you find happiness and comraderie wherever you have gone. There`s a pretty new E in the north of your former home state that stands as a little memento of your time here. I wish I could share it with you in person, but even though I can`t do that I can keep your memory and your smile in my heart and pass it forward to others that cross my path in life.

For personal reasons, I`ve dubbed this exit the Frasierdog exit. . . without doubt, Josh would smile at that.


But this, surely, was the glory that no spirits, canine or human, had ever clearly seen, the light that never was on land or sea, and yet is glimpsed by the quickened mind everywhere.

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Thanks for sharing. Even though I have never jumped BASE (yet) and never met Josh, I hope to take on some of the character traits that people have mentioned about him. I especially like the outlook he had when it was a bad day for jumping, but a good day to try something new (winery).

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I think you're right, he would smile... and he is.

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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