
Thanks Texas Folks

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A big thanks goes out to Scott (who doesn't read the forums) rfarris, brits17, and Zennie.

Thanks everybody for treating me to some fabulous jumping activities. You are a terrific bunch. If ever I can return the favor, it would be an honor.

I'm looking forward to seeing some a "ya'll" up in Idaho.

Edit: cuz I spelt fabulous incorrectly ;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Any time Tim, I had fun...despite the old man's tractor landing.

Glad I could "B" a help to ya here in the DFW area.;)

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The pleasure was ours! And glad to see you're learnin to speak correctly. I had a blast despite becoming wrap stars. ;)


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Hi Hookit --

The Texas crew has always been hospitality at it's finest. I'll never forget the last jump I made there...

I landed and Zennie placed an ice cold Shiner Bock in my hand darn near before my canopy touched the ground. :)
Sounds like you're having fun! I'm sure we'll run into each other at an exit point this summer...



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Any time Tim, I had fun...despite the old man's tractor landing.

Oh that landing was loud B|. Give a big hello and tell him I'm glad he's ok.


(from brits17) I had a blast despite becoming wrap stars.

Yeah.. sorry about that:$ I owe you a big thanks for not kicking my ass for causing all that.

Slight explanation for those who didn't read about it. I kinda wrapped myself in Brittany's skydiving parachute a couple Sundays ago. If I must explain further, yes she was flying it at the time :P

In reference to bps's post: Southern Hospitality is real. I didn't get to play much during my time in Texas but the few days I did, are now priceless memories.

Zennie... I was the new guy, you should have made me ride on top. ;) You're too kind.

Ya'll are some solid BASE jumpers and genuine good folks. It was a pleasure to meet you in real life.

[/sappy message]

Another thing, the mechanical bull and the 2 step... B| I can scratch both of those off my list of things to do. Both of which I'll gladly do again.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Zennie... I was the new guy, you should have made me ride on top. ;) You're too kind.

OK this just sounds really, really bad. :o

Just so there are no misunderstandings, he's talking about the elevator folks.

Thanks hookitt & bps for the kind words. We honestly do enjoy trying to be good hosts & show folks around & it was great seeing both of you.

Next time in town we may have a few other goodies in store for ya. :)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Zennie... I was the new guy, you should have made me ride on top. ;) You're too kind.

OK this just sounds really, really bad. :o

Just so there are no misunderstandings, he's talking about the elevator folks.

ROTFLOL, oh stop it you two, ya'll don't have to hide what really happened ;)


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Hey Hey Hey....Remember who drove you bitches out there!!!

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