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Gear Reviews posted by tan

  1. Demoed a Firebolt 218 over one weekend from Jumpshack; Jarrett and Michael delivered fantastic support. Put 8 jumps on the canopy @1.12 wingloading. Flare power was superior to any of the previous canopies that I'd ever flown.

    I had to spend a bit of time figuring out the double brake lines, as well as how to untwist them, but I don't think it makes a difference once they've been set.

    The Firebolt 218 did seem to have a steeper glide ratio compared to the Saber 2 210, but I felt that the Firebolt still outdid the Saber 2 on flare power. Plus the price is excellent too. Am definitely keeping my eyes out for a Firebolt 200 next!