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Posts posted by stopNgoBeau

  1. In order to correct the issue of higher frequency fade out, I intended to use something lower, possibly in the 2m band or as high as 70cm (144Mhz and 440Mhz respectively, if you aren't a HAM and are not familiar with the wavelengths). This, at around 2 to 5 watts, on a leg strapped transmitter using a rubber "duck" should help with range issues and issues with transmitting through a fuselage or a leg.

    I've see fade outs occur on videos as the jumped tumbles immediately after leaving the plane, which to me is particularly fascinating and telling of the problems associated with 900Mhz to 1.2 or 2.4 Ghz.

    My main concern is finding the gear that can do this while maintaining a small size and finding a good place that I can strap it without interfering with the more important systems (i.e., the canopy, container, and, God forbid, the reserve).

    Fitting most of it under the suit would help to keep snags from occurring. Camera placement also comes to mind. What would a person on the ground want to see? Me, as in a camera mounted on the wrist? Or the surrounding area or another jumper, as see through a helmet mounted camera?

  2. I see some rather old posts regarding the use of Ham Radio while under canopy. I've been a licensed Technician (No-Code!) since 1993, but haven't made a contact in years.

    I'd really in interested (after lots of time accumulated, not anytime soon) of rigging a VHF/UHF transmitter with TV capabilities for use during free fall and under canopy. I know it wouldn't be a first by any far stretch, but it would be for me.

    Anyone have any experience with this, or care to recommend equipment for it? I'm still in training, but I would imagine this equipment would be expensive and would need to save up to purchase it (just like equipment in any other hobby).

    Also, any thoughts on getting the DZ operator to sign off on letting me use it?

    Again, I wouldn't even begin to attempt to try this until well after achieving my A card.

    Blue skies and 73's, KC5DXR

  3. Hi all,
    Had my first tandem experience on 8/13/11 and was hooked. Spur of the moment jump on 9/11/11 convinced me to make it part of the tandem to IAF instruction, so I hope to finish the course by the end of 2011. If things continue as they are, this is going to be a hard habit to break.

    Say hello, especially if you're from the area. I live in Baton Rouge, LA and jump from the Slidell Municipal Airport with Skydive N'awlins.