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Dropzone Reviews posted by flycol

  1. Over the past 25yrs+ I have travelled to a lot of skydiving centres both in the UK and around the world and I have worked at a few of them as well. One of the clubs I have worked at is the Wild Geese. I was a student and tandem instructor there between 1992 and 1998. Life took me in other directions on the mainland but I still felt the urge to skydive at Wild Geese for many years after. An instructor paying for his own jumps I hear you cry. Can hardly believe it myself. This centre keeps drawing you back because it is just head and shoulders above everywhere else I have been. The facilities are outstanding and the staff are always willing to help although there does seem to be a lot more staff now than there was in the 90's. There are no skygods at Wild Geese but a core of jumpers who skydive at a high standard all day and will party at the drop of a hat. Streakers are not uncommon. That all said, if you need sunshine blown up your star then maybe this wouldn't be a club for you. Tolerance for muppets is low but if you go there to have a blast and some good skydiving from excellent aircraft then you'll not be disappointed. Dave Penny is the DZ operator and has relentlessly persued perfection over the last 30 years. I would say a job well done. Maggie Penny is the CCI at the club and has been awarded an MBE for her services to skydiving so I think that should demonstrate her commitment over the years. Judith Lees has also been with the club from the start. Not only is Judith an excellent instructor but her organisational skills ensure everyone gets all the jumping they want when things get busy. I can't recommend this place enough but the only way to find out for sure is to get yourself over there. If you go once you might find that you become a regular.