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Posts posted by SkyWeasel

  1. Being a rigger at a dz with a couple of Racer and Reflex jumps, this is my 2 cents.

    Don't buy a rig cause it is rigger-friendly, he ain't there with you when you cut away. I have never had a problem with any rig, because I approach it with the attitude, that its just a rig with some extra steps to close.
    p.s. i dont charge extra either
    "A superior skydiver uses his superior judgment in order not to demonstrate his superior skill."

  2. Personally I don't think its the brass grommets, its the actual size of the slider, they are huge. A buddy of mine jumps one and while it wont cover his bed the slider would make a great pillowcase. If you can wait for the next weekend I'll get some measurements for you, and find out if he has an extra
    "A superior skydiver uses his superior judgment in order not to demonstrate his superior skill."

  3. Well, I have to say that I agree with both of you, this was a topic of debate at the Dz this weekend between myself and another rigger. Thought it would be a great topic here.
    "A superior skydiver uses his superior judgment in order not to demonstrate his superior skill."

  4. So, here's the question:
    As a rigger can you open another rigger's pack job, shorten the closing loop, reseal, and make the note "opened, shortened C/L, and closed, did not disturb pack" on the data card, without opening yourself up to liability?

    or the short version

    At what point are you responsible for the pack job?
    "A superior skydiver uses his superior judgment in order not to demonstrate his superior skill."