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Posts posted by koalling

  1. Quote

    Contrast this with the US. Most people live on the coasts or in the interior

    Really? It's not like that goes for the rest of the world too. (Over here we live on giant rafts and such... think "waterworld")

  2. Quote

    SUCKED!!!! I liked China's summer, and Norway's winter. This was just a mishmosh of forgettable British history and culture. At one point, I thought they were gonna spray coal dust on the spectators for effect.

    I found it to be a great parapharsing over english culture, both industrial and cultural.
    But, I can easily see how some americans wouldn't be able to see the good parts of it. I suppose we lose a certain segment of the population the moment we move away from easily digestible tripe.
    FWIW, well done, Danny boy, well done.