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Posts posted by CourtneyL

  1. When I went through AFF I used to lay on my living room floor on my belly and rest my toes on the edge of the couch. I'd pop into neutral position, hold for five seconds, and relax. That helped I think.

    In terms of losing good body position when you relax-- keep in mind that a neutral belly position isn't the same thing as going limp. You have to work a bit to achieve and maintain neutral position. You should feel air on the front of your legs and you'll have to push against it a bit to keep them in the correct position. Same goes for arms.

    Honestly though, just keep working at it. Progress might feel slow but remember that you've only been working on this for short minutes at a time. You'll get there if you keep pushing!

  2. StoppieJoe

    A mixture between that the amount of drugs and alcohol that go around on the DZ, you can never be too careful. You never know what someone will do with a concoction of chemicals running through their brain. Especially if someone is telling them no.

    Drugs and alcohol don't turn people into rapists.

    I know you're just trying to look out for your lady but honestly I would hate it if my boyfriend treated me like that. I can take care of myself and I'm an adult. If she asks for you to stay with her or feels better with you there then knock yourself out but if she hasn't asked for your protection she probably doesn't need it.

  3. DJL

    How is it that you can even think that someone making comments about your girlfriend would equate to someone intending on raping your girlfriend? I have to ask if you're serious? Do you really have this concern?

    It's legit of him to be concerned about rape in general because ye gods, the statistics about how many women are raped are just horrible. (and speaking personally, I tend to assume the worst about people/men who make jokes about rape because some shit just ain't funny.)

    But OP, if you're concerned about rape on your dz in particular then you need to get a new dz. Why would you want to hang out and jump with people that you feel are legitimate threats to your girlfriend's safety? I'm not talking about one or two creepers like most large dzs have-- you make it sound like every male jumper on your dz is a predator in disguise.

    I've been creeped on at the dz for sure. But it's been pretty rare and frankly most of the dudes 100% had my back when I needed them to.