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Posts posted by rckclmber75

  1. (chuckle). I was trying that to no avail (mostly because I was forgetting the L part) and J3's signals were lost on me for a bit. The biggest problem was not jumping for a few weeks and me not reviewing ALL the hand signals. I BELIEVE I am relaxed, but I didn't FEEL relaxed. And my "relaxed" pulled my lower leg out of position and behind my upper leg.

    Exit was "money", Landing was 20m as though I hopped off a 2' box. Everything inbetween....epic fail.

  2. Quote

    1. (Obviously) I'm extremely new to free fall and I didn't appreciate how much I would drift.

    2. Yeah. I'm not clear on what adjustments I was making (knowledge of those will come with more tunnel time and more coaching) but again, I was surprised by how easy it was to drop to the floor or shoot to the top.

    3. I will definitely return to the tunnel at Eloy and for more significant blocks of time. Free fall time out SDH is sporadic at best with the windy weather at the moment and doing something [free fall related] is better than doing nothing.

    Here's my 2 x 2 minutes sessions...


    [Lots of work required on my legs :)]

    Thank you for possting that video. I had an epic fail on my 1st level 4 jump on Monday, because I began spinning out of control after each time the instructor docked. From your video, I can clearly see it's common and I that my desire to practice in a tunnel might be the best thing to learn the body awareness I need to hover with stability. and no waste/repeat AFF jumps trying to learn in 35 second intervals.

  3. And what if you're a student having spinning/stability issues? I want to work out the basics before spending more time sitting at the DZ waiting to load, to then have about 35seconds to both complete the dive flow AND correct stability problems and still possibly fail the dive?

    I am driving from SW ohio, which places AAC about 4hours closer than XP (and less expensive, both in fuel and cost to fly). Can I receive good instruction at AAC to help fix my problem, or is it really just good for the experienced?

  4. A little background...

    My level 3's went ok, but my 1st level 4 (90 deg turns) was an epic fail, as I could not keep myself from spinning. I looked around Ohio for a tunnel to practice stability and basic movement to make finishing my AFF and the coach jumps a much more relaxing process. I've searched this site for reviews of Appalachian adventures AND that place in Pigeon Forge. Everything I've read says beginners with stability issues would not glean much from these places. Did I read too much into what I found? I don't want to repeat any more of these jumps, since I'm only getting 45 seconds/jump to practice and/or fix what I'm doing wrong.

    I'm 6'2" 230lbs and am used to using my muscles to DO things, so relaxing in flight is proving elusive. My instructor tells me my legs are the main problem (not extended enough and sometimes uneven), but I don't seem to have the feel for them while falling.

    Would I need to drive the 8.5 hrs to ParacleteXP to have productive time in a tunnel fixing my stability, or will one like App Adv, or Flyaway TN provide good instruction?
