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Dropzone Reviews posted by beach_bum

  1. It was my last weekend in the UK and my regular DZ was closed so I had to choose a go with a new one.

    Load organizing: I was a bit apprehensive about this dropzone because of all the reviews on the site. They did have a lot of tandems, but they were a;sp able to put me up in the air 7 times over a weekend with the fussy UK weather (early Sat - 09:00 - till closing time - 18:00 - Sun). I could have gotten a couple more, but I was too lazy to get up on Sunday.

    Kit hire: they have regular kits for 10GBP and demo kits for 15 GBP. The demo kits look really new both (rig and chutes). The one con of kit hire is that you have to have the kit ready and packed in order to manifest.

    People: really nice and friendly. It is a business, but you could see they also do this out of passion. The social scene is really nice.

    Plane: it flies and it has benches.

    Facilities: clean and well maintained (same for the general dropzone area). The showers are clean with good water pressure and hot water.